( šŸŽµ Dramatic Music) Thus itā€™s March... Known for Hero Releases

Well I think a big part of the radio silence comes from OW2. I think they wanna release multiple heroes for it at launch, I donā€™t like it either, but itā€™s a marketing strategy.

I donā€™t really think they are. But I think they are trying to stretch this hero release out as far as possible so there is a variety of events for this year before Overwatch 2 considering that Overwatch wonā€™t be attended to as much.

Example:confirmed no new archives

But Jeff did claim one was coming.

WAS HE LYING? :flushed:

It really makes me sad to see you being so passionate about the game, waiting for a new hero finally to be released butā€¦ Blizzard is just silenceā€¦ :pleading_face:

At least a new mapā€¦ Meh p-p

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I hope not but I feel that theyā€™re trying to push hero 32 closer to ow2ā€™s released date. That is if the leaks are true and ow2 is coming this year.

I keep the light on, when the " :yawning_face:boredom appears".

Plus there is a lot of sick people :mask: or trapped people :scream: with nothing better to do with the flu being uncontrolled.

Posted a separate theory last night: šŸ§ (Hero 32) 1/3/2 theory: This could have been a Testing ground for Echo!?! if you 2 are bored or sick.

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i mean considering that jeff said ā€œweā€™ll release one more hero before ow2ā€ this seems to be the perfect time to do it but i wouldnā€™t dare get excited or care about that
personally my interest in the game has been dwindling and it is expected considering iā€™ve played over 12K gamesā€¦

Thereā€™s only one hero confirmed before Overwatch 2 release and unfortunately silence is their strategy. I still remember Jeffs post when someone asked about The next hero

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(Honestly they should have done a roadmap like other gaming companies have done.)

Do you really think I have not seen that post already? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

indeed. it would make sense to put the hero live half way to Overwatch2ā€¦

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Please note, this was Jan 30, 5 weeks ago. (not even close to the proper hint release time)

Also yeah Iā€™m pretty aware of when he said this.

But what about saving room to ā€œBalenceā€ Hero 32ā€¦ This is gonna be a thing, and will usually take awhile.

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The only thing I can really remember from this time last year was an angry/worried community. Apex Legs came out and was dominating the twitch scene and we were coming off the back of a less than stellar LNY event.

Iā€™d like a new hero to try out soon, but Iā€™m more than happy if they choose to focus on gameplay features as well, experimental or not.

Especially if itā€™s gonna be a ā€œbalancingā€ like brig 1.0 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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If your talking about 1/3/2, Jeff already said they are dropping it.

(honestly it seems just to be a big distraction)

Like when Mei could make people fly.

Iā€™m aware of it, but thereā€™ll be other things coming to Experimental soon. Iā€™m interested to see what else the devs may have in-store for us on this card.

But features like pools, replay sharing and workshop updates are welcome ones (even if some are more questionable than others).

Whatever it is, I believe it has to be updated with a patch first, plus other technically do haā€™s with Gigs and Stuff.

Because Console is stil console.

Also I believe he said ā€œhe is taking the ExC down at the end of the event.ā€ from what I recall. (not updating or changing it.)

Did someone say Mirage buff?

Sorry, wrong gameā€¦

Weird I can post again for some reason.

Must be a glitch, I donā€™t see anything between this and my last post.

Maybe this end up being one of the nine mysteries of the General Discussions.

(Classic Ghost stories ref)