🍋 Moira Rework Idea

Of course, it’s just that what we’ve learned from overwatch reworks is that maintaining a character’s identity is important.

Whether people like it or not, Moira is a support that deals consistent damage that, if left alone, can and should be high impact.

Characters should have impact, yes.

Her entire theme is about the duality of science. Her whole good vs bad, overwatch/blackwatch vs talon, heal vs damage, yellow vs purple theme is strong, and it’s what makes her such an interesting character.

I mean, her duality extends to her physical appearance, right down to her two different colored eyes, two differently affected hands, and her metallic eye thing on one of her eyes.

Every ability she has that can deal damage has an alternative, stronger one that heals. This is all done purposely, and I honestly find that sort of character flow unique in this game. Reworks proposed by the community should, in my opinion, respect that design and work around it.

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Then, I guess that the other version of Intervert would work better ^^

I tried my best to respect that design. I am aware that she is the Incarnation of Duality, of Balance. This is why now, you’d have to keep a balance between your Healing and Damage gauge ^^

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As long as she can get her resource back faster through this change, it’s perfect.

How would you change the visuals so it looks like life force is being drained from the target but it still resembles the other beams? Cuz this is the only beam weapon in the game that is theoretically taking energy from the target into the weapon, not taking energy from the weapon into the target.

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LMAAOOO it was a cool idea though, although many have suggested a damage gauge, not many have suggested an ability to switch the two so kudos for being unique!

Is jauge the french spelling of gauge? It’s weird, every other word is in english.

But this is too complicated a rework though I can see the principle to put a limit on DPS moiras endlessly attacking but that’s kinda the point of moira, she’s for DPS players who don’t want to play supports, you don’t have to invest much of your time healing, the whole appeal of Moira is how DPS-like she is.

You lost me right there.

I’ve previously suggested she have a single gauge that starts in the middle and swings between healing and damage.

Lol, yes it is.
Also, the point here isn’t to put a limit to her damage capacity, but to make her more skilled. As I said at the beginning, she has the lowest skillcap of the game. This was the only thing I could come up with. Maybe her Intervert is too much, but I liked the idea ^^

Moira is the most picked character in Low Ranks, mainly because she’s easy to play and very strong. A lot of Low Ranks complains about her. Although it’s good to balance character depending on the most popular persons who are usually High Ranked, it’s pointless if it makes it impossible to play for Low Ranks. I’m Middle Ranked, so I wouldn’t care much if this Rework happens or not

You know don’t take “weird” the wrong way, maybe I should have said “quirky” it was very clear to me at least what you meant.

I think what’s driving people to play Moira is the low skill-cap and “lol, non-stop attack” that’s getting people to queue for supports at all.

Overwatch needs more heroes like moira, she came long before 2-2-2 role-lock but she is something that’s helping cut down on DPS queue times. Her and roadhog, another hero who isn’t a DPS but people who usually play DPS can settle into much easier.

I just think if the visuals were more similar to how we see Zarya or Symmetra’s beam there would be less misunderstanding of how her weapon actually works. So, I guess instead of having the visual of the beam locking in to the center of the character have it follow where the cursor actually is.

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Amen yes please blizzard

I am totally aware of what you are saying, I do know that the game needs more Low Skill Cap heroes, but I really liked that idea. To be honest I wouldn’t care much if this happens or not, I really like suggesting things, but people tends to take these suggestions very seriously which can end up into argues and drama…

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There is a difference between being strong and too strong. The people that complain about her refuse to accept that their aim isn’t as good as they think it is. They also like to engage her withCharacters she is designed to counter while she has all of her cooldowns then wonder why they failed.

I haven’t seen that Topic, I joined the english forums very recently, I’m sorry ^^

That’s why I think the soft-lock is better. But, maybe we could have a beam similar to Echo’s (There is the beam, but as well some small particles coming out of it) but instead of going towards the target, the particles would to towards Moira’s Biotic Grasp

That video is misleading as it makes you think it’s like a circular area in which people get hit (like tac visor), while in fact it’s a 3 dimensional cylindrical beam. This means at point blank range it’s still possible to hit people when they are (almost entirely) off the screen and are definitely NOT in a circular area. At long range you need to have the target a lot closer to the crosshair. (unlike tac visor)


Oh well, I’m only basing off the informations I have ^^

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So did I until I made a post about it being the same as tac visor (which turned out to be inaccurate) and therefore if one is aimlock, so is the other.

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Make her damage beam harder to aim, buff her self heal, buff the projectile speed at which her healing spray travels and rebuff the HPS on it (but revert the resource buffs) and them make Damage Orb only last like 5 seconds and she’d be overall better, harder to play, and less annoying to play against.

I respect the effort you put into this but this would be dangerous territory to go down to. You’d essentially be taking away a hero’s ability to do damage should that resource run out and the game was built around not having ammo pools. This would essentially be an ammo pool. That would open the door to people campaigning for Genji/Tracer and other favored heroes to get some sort of ammo pool resource, because we have one hero in the game can essentially lock themselves out of doing any primary fire, so the standard is there. It would signal to your playerbase you do have a bias and favoritism.

Once again, I think the idea is ok, but running out of a damage resource isn’t the way to go and sets an unhealthy standard.

I’m for these buffs !

I’m not for this buff !

This is why the Intervert ability is here ! It would have maybe an 8-10 Secondes cooldown if we take the first idea, and it’s to make sure you always have the ressource you need ! Reinforcing that Duality side of Moira definitely seemed cool, but I didn’t want her to lose any of her potential

You could fix it by adding a minimum threshold on the gauges kind of like Zarya, at a minimum amount she does X damage but to not be able to fire and do nothing, that is a bad precedent to set. I would say the damage should ramp up the more her DG is filled.