🌡️ Will OW2 be a success or a failure?✅

I think it will be a massive sucess. After all OW1 was at launch and remained so for like a year. So this dev team clearly has the ability to make a ground breaking and unique fps experience. The question is if they can sustain that sucess for a longer period of time.


Problem isn’t that they can not make great things, but that they repeatedly take wrong lessons from their mistakes.


Hopefully OW1 was just the experiment leading to OW2 being amazing :crossed_fingers:


It depends on the definition of “success”. I’m sure that the PVE will sell well at first, and the initial bit of excitement will give PVP an initial boost. But if Blizzard doesn’t learn how not to repeat the same mistakes that tanked OW1 then the story will repeat itself. If tanking (and potentially supporting by the looks of it) is outright unfun then it won’t last long at all. And based on what we’ve currently been shown, it doesn’t seem promising.


I gave it three months, but the PVE portal is the big question and could dominate the game.

OWL is a lost cause though, nothing is going to fix that now, not even OW 2.

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Problem with pve is how fast people will just finish it, and then find out that grinding same things is not that fun for a year or two while waiting for more.


So far, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard OW2 is just more of the same. We’re getting new heroes… Okay OW now was doing that. We’re getting new maps! Okay again, OW now was doing that. Balance and reworks and a change in group make up! OW was doing that… New skins! Yep.

They’ve put OW on hold to add a 2. PVE might keep people around longer who are burnt out on pvp but that is if they buy it. So I don’t think it is going to be a failure it isn’t going to be nearly as huge of a success as when it originally launched.

I will say this, the removal of double shield FOREVER, will be amazing. Playing against double shield is one of the most obnoxious things I’ve experienced in any P v P game. The fact that the developers couldn’t see it coming, or thought it was fun to play against (particularly in the case where Sigma is the second shield) makes you seriously question how balancing is carried out. Bear in mind, the developers thought they’d done a good re-work of Sombra, but she was actually so broken that Pro players agreed not to even pick her during the OW2 scrims. How does this stuff happen?

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I want to be positive about it, but after really thinking about what went down at the creator call… I am just not. More content is more content, so I will be happy. But some of the things they are doing will probably result in less success.

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I dunno. People are out here talking about 5v5 and balance and maps, but if they don’t fix the matchmaking, the game is DOA. At least give us a server list so we can pick the maps/game modes we want. You can slap as many numbers as you want on the end of “OW”, but if we’re still getting thrown into random maps with players who are neglected by their parents and need to act out in video games for attention, no amount of sequels will save the franchise.


OW2 is going to be the same as OW1 the only thing you’re paying for is the PvP everything else is free for owners of OW1

If they remove OQ/QPC then yes it will be a failure… they think removing 1 tank means it will fix Q times and will mean OQ and QPC players will not have long to wait… but all those DPS coming back to RQ would make the queue times worse than prior to OW2 lol.


Oh trust me It’s gonna be a succes as much as I hate to admit it.

OW2 is for story mode, but the negatives that 5v5 has brought so many… bad assumptions.

I hope it’s gonna be the bigest failure, bigger than warcraft reforged

havnt tried that lol. was it that bad? i think they messed up on the diablo 2 remaster thing too

On launch day/week, I’m sure it will be a resounding success.

My guess, though, is it will run into a Destiny 2 situation where folks rapidly realize that, once you get past the shiny new veneer and big promises, it’s going to be a thoroughly mediocre, uninteresting game that’s going to require Blizzard to rush to resuscitate it at risk of the franchise being dropped. If anything buys them some forgiveness, it’s going to be the PvE, but they’ve talked about the PvE portion shockingly little, especially when that’s the part that’s actually paid for!

In the long run, I’m anticipating that it’s not going to reach the lofty goals set upon it by Activision.

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Image playin world cup and reforge crash 3 times and the old version run better than remake.
Diablo 2 had problems with servers and few technical issue like (new but old one) delete whole inventory if you have to much staf, delete character (never happend to me) so yea. Diablo 2 was made by different studio. Reforged was made by blizz it self


Looking at net negatives here. I’m not confident with team 4 being able to balance tanks in time for release with 5v5. They have struggled and slowly creeped towards balancing problem heroes but it never seems to stick.

I’m also not confident we will get 6 heroes on release, since the game has been in development for so long and we only have one hero confirmed, and 1 hinted at in development. It’s been too long to not leak or hint at the new stack of heroes. At this point it looks like they will spread out new heroes over the first year.

Gameplay looks about the same, not bringing some of the new story mode features to PvP is a mistake. Load outs for heroes even if only small changes or tweaks to their kits would go a long way to refresh a very stale PvP mode. New maps aren’t very interesting and don’t have enough cover to properly balance out the lack of a tank.

Hero changes both cosmetic and gameplay wise aren’t very inspired. Graphically the game has not really improved either, when compared to overwatch 2 competition, even now it is very ugly.

Delays, more delays, important devs leaving repeatedly. This is the most damning evidence that there are problems. It’s very likely it won’t release in 2022, not only that but with no leaks, or dev reports to hype this product, it is looking very ugly for the game. Chances are it will be buggy and mediocre out of the gate. Which will likely kill this game since it has no hype and a dwindling player base. Also blizzard constantly having internal problems and driving away the average customer with terrible customer relations isnt helping either.

My verdict is this game will fall flat on its face at release. Likely won’t get back up again either. That’s if it even gets released and not chopped up to make a phone game or card game which blizzard can highly monetize.

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Agreed. It will bring people back that will try out the new PvP and bring in PvE people. I think that once the PvE is gone through the PvE crowed will disappear very fast. The PvP players will stay mostly.

It will boost the numbers a bit and should get a award because its basically OW just better and now with content again.

But in the end they lost about 3 years (or more) of huge amounts of money and OW2 release will not cover what they COULD HAVE if they would just supported the game until the real launch of OW2 with balance, skins, heroes and maps.


I don’t think blizzard are capable of learning from their mistakes, or are talented enough to make a well designed FPS.