〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

They’re giant glowing orbs. Their not hard to miss.

That wouldn’t be the case since they buffed her speed while firing.

The enemy isn’t going to be in a single file line behind Orisa. Even then, all they need to do is pick D.va to shut down the orbs.

Heroes like Bastion aren’t affected by 75hp on enemies. Like I said, Ana’s biotic grenade heals for 100hp, which increases the time to kill more than SG.

Like I’ve been saying, the orbs were slow and not hard to avoid in the first place.

There’s also the fact that you have to give up a healer or dps for Symmetra. If she replaces a healer, her team is left solo healing. If she’s picked in the place of a dps, her team while take reliable long range damage to actually break the barrier.

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Yeah if your not getting gold damage against bunker your just a bad sym :stuck_out_tongue:

The conversation isn’t going anywhere if you just assume all the orbs deal no damage. News flash people that know the character know how to get value out of those orbs

The area behind the shield only has so much room and sym is constantly harassing it’s like how tracer can get tons of value even if she doesn’t kill as long as she’s enough of a pain in their neck

It’s like saying firestrike is a useless ability because it’s slow enough to dodge

But you are clearly an expert on sym good for you. Wish we could have a battle but that hero is gone


That would mean that you’re team is barely doing anything considering her orbs had a net 60dps.

I mained her back then. Her orbs were best used to get your ult and area denial but it wasn’t that good.

I also main Orisa. There’s plenty of space behind the shield to dodge the orbs.

Symmetra’s old orbs traveled at 10 meters per second.

Firestrike travels at 26 meters per second.

Wish she was in work shop.

Yeah it’s the burst that is important not the dps. Every two seconds your creating openings for your team

Yeah and orisa needs to stop shooting to dodge the orbs. You just condition them with fully charged ones to start then give em the 2/3 charged you can’t tell the difference and if they treat em seriously your getting tons of value

It’s only 120 damage every two seconds if your only hitting one person and with 6 people behind a shield you have pretty good odds. And giving huge burst around 360 is crazy good burst

I was a gm sym 2.0 and the only comp that the enemies would always switch off of was bunker it was just so easy to completely dismantle the comp with sym


Unfortunately, a Brig, Ana, or Moira can erase it easily.

They’re still easy to dodge and with the movement while firing buff, she won’t need to stop shooting like she did before.

That was before there was so much burst healing in the game. Doubt she would be useful enough now.

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I’m a fan of Symmetra so this isn’t coming from a bad place.

Unfortunately because of the nature of her character design - she can never be in a good place or she’d be broken. Same with Torbjorn.

A character who has an ability to summon an auto-firing assault weapon will NEVER had a kit that is perfectly balanced on its own because the kits will be revolved around the total potential of their auto-firing weapons.

This is part of the reason I was in support of making Symm a full support and having her turrets heal instead of dealing damage because making her into a balanced DPS hero is impossible.

If you buff her primary to where it doesn’t completely suck - her turrets will need to be weakened even more or people will whine. And then what’s really the point of them? And if her turrets do all the damage and her beam doesn’t, then she won’t feel impactful without the turrets / when she’s away from them.

Or if you make them equal in power - she’ll feel weak without the turrets. There’s no real winning for a DPS Symmetra.


The only addition was Baptist and sym can shoot his little drone through shields. I don’t think he has a huge advantage over old sym. And his ult isn’t crazy like shield gen so it would be a good trade to get shield gen and damage out at the cost of his ult

Brig was very weak to old sym and now that dive is out of the way sym would have been stronger than ever

But even if the enemy is focusing on dodging orbs at least they have to pay attention to where the sym is your just harassing them same as tracer used to harass enough for her to win

But yeah theory crafting everything that old sym was good at fighting has gotten more prevalent and most of the new hero’s released are weaker to sym old sym. And dive which she was weak too is a ton less common now. This would have been a time where sym 2.0 would have flourished

But sym stomped bunker. Burst healing wasn’t syms weakness to begin with so nothing major except the meta has changed.


Your entire argument sounds like "I can’t play the hero efficiently, because

a.) I can’t aim
b.) I Can’t manage my turrets
d.) I r very smart becuz I (1 person) does not apply to a common stereotype."

She’s annoying, and an ok hero that is fueled by teamwork

The only change I feel is necessary is lowering her turrets slowing.

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It has 250 hp. It would take her 2 shots to destroy it (4 seconds), and that’s no even counting the orb’s travel time. However, there is no reason for him to deploy it if she’s only using the alt fire. His aoe can easily heal it and get AM from it.

Brig was not weak to her. The only thing she could do was set up turrets, but that only works defensively.

How are Hammond, Ashe, and Baptiste weak to old Sym? They can all easily escape her lock on range and shoot her from afar. Ashe would also be great at clearing her turrets.

She wouldn’t be flourishing now. She wasn’t that good against bunker, she would be run over by GOATs, and still gets destroyed by dive.

Burst healing can easily undo the opening Symmetra created. Considering Baptiste is often used in Bunker, her orbs would only result in him getting Amplification Natrix faster.

Brig was extremely weak to old sym what are you talking about. Pierce forced brig to take down her shield or take massive burst damage.
We even had time to test this as they were both in the game at the same time all be it briefly.

I don’t think Ashe or Baptist are strong against sym. Hammond has potential to be good but only around parts of her kit. It’s not like he would just shut her down though. Ashe it would just be important for sym to block her shotty unless she wanted to surf backwards

But mainly dive is a ton weaker as you can just run brig who hurts it a lot then you got some of that good synergy.

I don’t think this conversation will lead anywhere it seems we have very different perspectives on sym


What kind of Brigittes did you play against? She didn’t even have to put up her shield with Symmetra’s short range. She could easily side step the orb. There was no risks of burst damage to her.

Okay, I’m confused. What do you mean by this?

The problem with running Brig with Symmetra is that the comp will have pretty terrible healing. Brig is already pretty bad a in 2/2/2 comps. Having her solo heal is impossible.

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Brig and sym 2.0 were in this game at the same time. That’s what I meant and no brig couldn’t sidestep orbs without lowering her shield so she had to choose to open herself up for teammates to attack or get hit with 120 damage

Yeah you’d want sym to be a dps in a comp with brig. I could push out well over enough damage to justify the pick and hell my whole team turns into tanks so that’s another plus

If sym 2.0 were still out this would be the time that I would push for top 500. I would have had it easy


Brigitte didn’t have to lower her shield to dodge.

But even with 2 healers, the actual amount of healing will be low because Brigitte needs to deal damage first. Then there’s the fact that the team will be lacking damage overall.

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No you could easily sit right out of flail range and shoot orbs that she could not dodge without dropping shield. I tested it. Sure if your 100m away she can dodge but there was ranges where this worked and she had no choices other than drop or get hit.

Well the comp was wonky but mercy was enough healing once shield gen was up. Then you just needed a dps that could dish out that good damage.

There also use to be the craziest comp the pantion I think. I got to use it once in comp and it was hilarious. Torb brig sym everyone had 500 hp and massive amounts of armor. That was so one sided. That’s gone though


Honestly the only problem I have with the new Sym is she doesn’t fit really any direct play style. You can try and be Aggro, but you don’t have the means to get in easily and sustain yourself. Defensive sym is good, but you confine your self to an area and don’t get much value if the enemy ignore you, and support sym is just god awful as in matchmaking no one listens to you.
The character has no set one, but many niche play-styles that sadly don’t really work to well.

I wish she had either a direct play style or a multitude of play-styles that at least can lead to usefulness. Back in 2.0 I played MEGA aggro symmetra. I constantly would flank and almost always get 2 kills with the microwave hotel air conditioning unit beam of death and destruction. But with 3.0 it doesn’t really work the same cause tp bombs kinda suck now.

But idk i just think if the hero actually had a good a set play style she would be 1000000x better.


Yeah I actually had a wierd mixed playstyle of 2.0 i would play super defensively and basically smother the enemy. They would have to fight tooth and nail for any bit of ground. And then once shield gen was up which happened during or after the first fight. Then I would switch between Agro and defensive. I could just go balls deep enough where I’d have either time to get back or I would definitely pick two key hero’s. I liked to keep the enemy guessing

Sym 2.0 was a monster at her niche she was a pure utility hero with so much zoning potential. But she was extremely weak if caught out of position. I came from console where I was a top zen player so I had amazing positioning on pc so The ease of use brought me to the character.

I wasn’t expecting her to have such dynamic combat and counterplay potential. And that’s when I couldn’t get enough of the playstyle. She was one of the only hero’s that was constantly at extreme risk but able to manage it all with such control. Photon barrier was the best ability this game has ever had. It was so much fun to master and was a major reason sym was so interesting.

My favorite duel was always the mecree vs sym
If the mecree got a headshot he could win so there was always risk. But flashbang was so cool to counter. Two hero’s trying to perfectly time or bait out the others win condition. It was a perfect matchup.

Not a lot of hero’s have that sort of potential or it’s not high risk like riens shield. Counterplay still exists not so much in syms kit anymore. The closest thing we got is blocking hook with a turret.

The biggest issue I had with the rework is that sym 2.0s skills don’t translate anywhere into this game. We don’t have piercing gun, lockon dps, shield supports, or throwable shields. It was a shame to lose such an interesting character. We are down a unique playstyle and I doubt the devs will ever bring something like it back.

Sym 3.0 could have been an amazing time for the game. But not as a rework if anything it should have been Sanjay a new character entirely.


No-Aim crowd doesn’t use Sym anymore and that might be why.

Nicely said from someone who doesn’t use sym ^


I’ve actualy been using her a lot lately no that mercy is a lame duck, andI find her very effective. Granted she’d do way better if teamates made use ofthe teleporter. It’s the same problems mercy and sombra have - the players in the top tiers think they are viable, and powerfull because they have teamates that know what they are doing and these characters rely heavily on teamwork to be effective.

The problem is in the lower tiers where teamork and communication is absent.

I mean, I use her for cheese bastion strats on volskaya, tp to point on Hamanura/Horizon Lunar Colony 1st point, and occasionally Eichenwalde 1st point. She has her uses.

That said, Her right click not going through shields anymore feels badman. I’d prefer if she still had autolock or softlock like moira does and comparable damage.