〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

TBH i see her played VERY often in my matches.

Maybe u personally feel like she is common, but the fact of the matter is that across the comp community sym is a rare sight.

Almost every other hero has a greater than 2% pickrate. The only ones that dont are Torb, Bast, Mei, Sym and Sombra, who all have sub 1% pickrates. These are legitimate trash tier heroes.

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name a single character that can’t kill a turret in under 2 seconds

30hp isn’t enough especially since they can be destroyed before deployment

having a reserve of another 3 is sensible compared to giving them more health so maybe not overreact and think about her kit for at least 30 seconds.

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You either skipped playing the new Symmetra (I did, a lot) or haven’t played yet against her (which I did, again, quite a lot). Her kit is amazing, and her turrets are strong A.F. If you think her turrets are weak and needs to be buffed, you simply don’t know how to use those properly, or sadly, as above mentioned, you have a biased opinion with 0 valid experience. Three Symmetra turrets have more damage than Torbjörn’s turret on level 3. And you can cast it almost anywhere. And you want to buff it. Give me a break.

1.) I have 60 hours comp playtime w Sym 3.0. I think I understand Sym 3.0.

2.) its not just my opinion Sym is bad, her stats are objectively worse. Furthermore, Sym mains are still being reported by tge community for playing her.

Every metric is telling us she is bad; why should we ignore all that for ur subjective opinion that shes fine?

3.) the turrets are worse than before overall. This is an objective fact. Consider the changes:


  • easier to cast
  • 60% individual turret power increase
  • +29 health
  • can be stacked on top of each other


  • can be shot in mid air
  • very slow travel time
  • hitbox is so large turrets long range placement is impractical (clipping)
  • 50% area coverage reduction (because less turrets can be deployed)
  • ~17% power reduction
  • 50% reduction in turret storage capacity (on the field AND in reserve)

When u examine the changes u can see the turrets are really worse than before. Yes theyre less difficult to use but this has come at the cost of area control.

The devs said they intended this, but this has clearly been a mistake because now the best use for them is telebomb, which is horribly lazy/low skill, certainly more so than planning ur turret nest based on enemy movements, like old Sym.


Ummm… sir, excuse me, but I’d kindly like to drive your attention to the fact that “her stats are objectively worse” was debunked after like 10 minutes from opening the thread. Literally it was debunked to the ground. So this “every metric is telling us she is bad” simply won’t hold up anymore. It’s not a valid point anymore. It was debunked in the first comments. You have to find another thing to prove your opinion, you just can’t qoute and source things which are not true and obsolete. It’s misleading and generally, not nice.

“quoting and sourcing things that are not true”.

You mean like real match analyses w 11 thousand strong sample size?

The only “issue” anyone has had w the stats is the myth regarding private profiles, which I myself debunked in the opening post. Go read it if ur so concerned.

Or we could just throw our hands up, ignore all data, and just blindly follow our feelings like u. Thats sounds like a much more rational plan /s


Please do not put things into my mouth which I didn’t said, it’s again, not a nice thing to do. 2 response from you, 2 serious, misleding thing you did… that’s not a good start.
I meant to these comments:

She has the 2nd biggest winrate now by the way.

Oh I misled ppl did I? I deliberately lied? Can you prove that?

Read that comment thread again, and u’ll see from my replies I made a mistake (heaven forbid). I was going on the averages for win and pickrate shown on the main page rather than her pick and win on the very day of posting because I didnt know overbuff had a meta trends function (as I now do).

However im glad u brought that up cause we can all clearly see how wrong those “keep calm, its only been a week” comments were now that Syms win and pickrate have dropped even further .


her winrate is going down because shes being played more, plus she requires teamwork now, and ofc a character that requires that will have winrate go down

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If shes being played more y is her pickrate 10% lower than 2.0?

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shes being played by more people higher tiers, but lower pickrate due to lower ranks not picking her due to her increased difficulty. Higher in higher tiers, lower in lower tiers, lower overall because more people are in low ranks

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I just proved that in my last comment, may I ask you to read it again.
Also, again: her winrate and pickrate barely dropped. She barely came out, people still need to get used to her. Why all of you want everything so sudden, right now, immediately? Everything has a trend and time. Past two seasons her pickrate sometimes dropped down below even 0.67% percent. Since her rework, she reached her all-time peak and has a 0.80% rather than 0.70% and 0.65%. It’s slowly, but growing. You just can’t see it, because you have 0 patience.

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Quick question: What was Symmetra’s pick rate in Quickplay before her rework?

Asking because a lot of players (like me) don’t play competitive or maybe don’t feel secure about playing her in competitive yet. Seems like her pick rate in Quickplay is quite good.

From February to May it was around 1.60% 1.70%. Mid-May she had a bit higher around 2%, and when the rework came out, it jumped up to 5.44%, and now she’s around constant 2.20% average. So, around +0.60-0.70% growth since the rework, not counting the huge pikes on release.

Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I got eliminated by Sym’s primary weapon. Her turrets are useful though.


And console is even higher it seems, right?

So… I guess that’s a good sign?

Not that much, but yeah, stable +0.70% or +0.80% in quick.

Ok. I genuinely don’t understand why everyone is ignoring her quickplay pick rate.

I did a test two days ago after watching a gif of someone doing a 2.0 vs 3.0 sentry and one turret from both versions did the same damage, they can still be sneezed at and need i remind you the lack of proper defense, there isn’t any other escape ability in this game that leaves you defenseless for one second just to run away 25 meters their all instant imagine d.va having to rev up her meka and not be able to fire anything until she starts to boost away

oh wow can you see the past and see that i actually have some time one her and more time agaisn’t her here let me sneeze at those high damage turrets and have all that dps dissapear it’s harder to kill torbs lvl 2 turret which would end up doing more damage over time (depending on the character) than the level 3 turrets would.

you entire argument is not having reserve 6 she can still only send 3 were not saying to let her have all six out at the same time that’s what you’re thinking it’s going to be. and you do realise in a game where seconds matter she can’t fire anything when deploying a turret, it’s faster than 2.0 by about one second.

her cooldown is around 5 seconds per turret so if you take a fraction of a second to take down a turret they won’t damage you because your dead and since she doesn’t have auto-lock sidestepping jumping and ducking now work on her. They are literally glass cannons why strategy do you use in a fight with a glass cannon; kill it first not ignore it.

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