〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

I mean, tbh, i kind of agree w you because i do think sym was extremely powerful because of her skill ceiling, but just wanted to point out that most players are in plat or lower

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No, I actually agree with you.

Symmetra was such a nightmare to play that only the super hardcore players remained. I mean she was niche to begin with so that only limited people played her. But the attitude and hatred towards her truly curbed the population of Sym players leaving only absolute veterans. I’ve had games where I managed to get 4 golds while being hated from the enemy team and my own team, screamed at voice chat and told to die, burn in hell etc. while getting comments from the enemy team how I’m a noskill and should learn to play a normal hero.

I think consistently kept 65% winrate with her despite everything. Not to mention that even the SR was broken. You would get way smaller SR if you used shield generator compared to TP.

You have to have some sort of a backbone in order to play Symmetra. I mean honestly I think the reason why I love her so much was because she was such an underdog. Literally, the most unappreciated, hated, underrated character in the game. I could get 15 teleports, save the point 3 times from being taken because of the tele, have 4 gold and still everyone would vote for Mercy or someone else. Not even a single thank you.

Unfortunately 3.0 was the end for me. 11 seasons is enough, I can’t take it anymore and quite frankly for me she is a throw pick now, a legitimate one. I can’t even justify in my own eyes taking Sym anymore because she isn’t a proper DPS. Junkrat is more consistent DPS than Symmetra.

So for me Symmetra died when 3.0 update went live and I haven’t played her since then. Moved on to other heroes. Maybe one day when she reaches 0% pickrate in the normal game they will realize maybe they should do something but until then I will play something else.


I say, bring back her old primary but tone down the damage a bit and let it break on corners.

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i mean they can revert the nerf on syms lazer but give it a .5s-1s animation everytime she lets go of lmb instead of this bad band-aid they gave her.

Plus this threads topic, sym is winning less because shes being higher picked in diamond+ ranks, and shes being winning less in lower ranks because shes higher skill so that also explains her lower pickrate in low ranks.

But she hasnt got a higher pickrate even at high rank. Its the same as before.

So really shes just lost players

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Thats because, they removed the hero frol its players and gave it to the others who didnt want it in the first place!

I made a post explainig her issues

Too bad blizz cant swallow their pride and revert


Mate her winrate and pickrate is dropping. If her pickrate was actually rising and her winrate was dropping that would be a positive correlation and make sense. But when her pickrate and her winrate are dropping you know something is wrong. And we clearly know what’s wrong. Her primary and ultimate are garbage, her TP is situational and she requires 10x the amount of team work than before. The other changes in her kit do not warrant the things she lost to make up for it. The increase in orb speed is find and dandy but it doesn’t pierce anymore. Her turrets do less damage overall compared to 6 turrets and and the difference in HP is negligible.


The data on Overbuff don’t support your claim. If you have other sources that say the opposite, please share.


Its clear taking the shield gen away was a mistake. Sym is far too squishy without it.

I think they should bring it back as a secondary E; Moira has two Es so this would be doable.

Make it last until destroyed/a new one is deployed, and do the same for tp.


Yeah, I concur. The shield gen provided a lot of value and made her actually able to survive some encounters. Now she is expected to somehow do sustained damage with her primary when she has 200hp, no sustain for herself, no mobility and no escape ability of any kind.

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WOWEE! Maybe people dont want to play sym

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I think it’s more they don’t want us to play Symmetra.


New sym is fine these people just complain too much, if you communicate a strat with your team shes great.

No, she’s not. She’s not fine by any measure of the word, but we’ll not get into that again for the umpteenth time.

People complain about what they care about. If your prized character (whoever that may be) were reworked into such a state that Symmetra is in now, you’d likely complain about it too.

I agree. If you can get your team to work with you, your healers to pay attention to you, you can really pull of some magical plays with your team. As you stated, the key is communication, and the flip side of that is a willingness for your team to work around you.

Most characters can be self sufficient to a certain degree. Symmetra is not one of those kinds of characters any longer. That is the biggest complaint that I have about the rework. No sustainability. No survivability. No tools to live, and continue living. No get out of jail free cards.


I agree she is way undertuned. I love her current kit though and I really hope all the complaints don’t need to another rework or something of the sort. Increase the teleporter interaction radius, buff the primary fire, maybe a slight buff to her alternate fire or her turrets, and she should be fine. I love the idea of her primary fire gaining ammo from shields and I feel like if the range was increased a little bit she could really exploit enemy barriers, which she can’t do as well as she should be able to right now.

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Everything about her kit is weak. The teleporter has the range and set-up time of the worst ability in the game (Shadow Step), requires LOS between both entry and exit points, and can be quickly destroyed. It requires specific effort to interact with as well, increasing the awkwardness of using the TP.

The turrets are only effective if the enemy team ignores them. They’re still quickly destroyed and slowly replaced. They still have to be pre-deployed most of the time because they can be destroyed mid-flight.

The explosive orb is less effective than the piercing orb. The EO is stopped by barriers, just another source of damage on fast-regenerating or replaced barriers. I often used PO to pressure enemies behind a Rein or Orisa Barrier (including Rein himself), which was one of the few things Sym was good for.

Her primary fire’s range is awful. She has no ability to close distance, no ability to absorb fire and no damage if she gets there. Sure, it recharges on enemy barriers, but it’s a waste to close to the distances required because Sym will be cut to pieces while shooting at a barrier.

Her new ult is almost never useful. It can be an extra nail in the coffin suppressing defenders coming back from spawn or stalling on a point but it’s incredibly underwhelming as an ult. It can’t be repositioned or rotated, and once the enemy pushes through, it’s useless. Yes, it stops enemy fire but there are two very effective characters that have the same function on REGULAR ABILITIES that, while lacking the size and HP of Sym’s barrier, can be repositioned or relocated very quickly, and have very little downtime on top of that. It also lacks synergy with Symettra. It doesn’t make using any of her other abilities easier, or allow her to secure kills, it’s just… there.


Would you like it better if instead of gaining ammo from shields, you gained personal shields from shields? Personal shields when damage is done to any shield, player, or destructible? A charging self shield mechanic like Doomfist has now, but instead of capping as high as his does, it would cap at 300 total, 100 health, 200 shields, and slowly tick down?

It would certainly give us a reason to use her lackluster primary more frequently, and would allow for sustainability that is no longer present in her kit.

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I wouldn’t be opposed to that, although Symmetra already has a small hitbox so I wouldn’t want it to charge too quickly. Maybe it could charge ammo and shields, but both fairly slowly? And obviously have increased range and perhaps damage as well.

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The charging of ammo on a shield is a gimmick anyway. You can reload faster than you can recharge, if you start out on a shield with less than half ammo.

The justification for doing it is only to charge your primary up, the bonus is that you can actually use your charged up beam for a second or so before you have to reload (and see it drop a tier in damage).

The reload mechanic is pointless, in my opinion. It doesn’t give enough to the weapon to justify its use in that manner. Remove the reload, and let it bolster the shields. No reason to have it “charge slowly” as they tick down over time anyway.

The only justification to having it charge slowly is if the entire team benefits from the shields that Symmetra gains from primary fire.

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The two characters I played the most now feel horrible to me (sym, defense dps/ mercy, healing). The third character that I played the most frequently also feels horrible at her role (dva, tanking). I haven’t had the courage to even try Sombra after getting her in Mystery Heroes once and having her translocator land in some whacked out location every time.

Worry is par for course.

edit to change the word “play” to “played”. I only play Mercy or Sym in Mystery Heroes after giving them a few tries after latest changes … and I hate Mystery Heroes. I mostly play other games now.