✅ Tank balance is easy to fix

I don’t think Dive has been meta for a long long time. And a lot of GMs/Pros would appreciate it coming back.

And a lot of Plats and below, never really experienced Dive in the first place.

Don’t care if meta is not played in plat and below.
Meta heroes are played and the lack of peel, protection and teamplay against flankers was not fun.
It was the point where support mains started to quit and/or boycot

I figure in Gold and below, players sit and poke at barriers for a long time anyways.

So the extra barrier should help.

And the chances of getting double barrier is more rare than the chances of getting double offtank.

No, they let Zarya get charged up, then just press W and M1 and pump resources into keeping her up.

Fair enough, but that’s plenty to laser down a Sigma that doesn’t have a Stun.

Oh, absolutely. Plenty much. It’s not about breaking barriers, its about closing gaps. Which is why you only need so much barrier, past which it becomes redundant.

Crossing the barrier line is always an inevitability. Something is very wrong with the setup - and it’s not barriers - if they hold out like that.

Designing a Short range Barrier Tank seems acceptable like Rein and Winston.

Winston’s barrier is weaker in HP and duration, but blocks more LoS, and he’s good in close range, so his mobility pays off the lack of barrier and range.

Rein’s barrier is stronger in HP and duration, but blocks less LoS, he’s good in close range and it’s the barrier durability that pays off his lack of mobility and range.

Now, designing Mid-Long ranged tanks with long lasting barriers seem not that well acceptable. I think this is what needs fixing.

If their barrier can’t be long lasting something else should pay off for it.

Things to consider about balancing these tanks:

  • Barrier durability
  • Barrier positioning flexibility
  • Barrier LoS blocking coverage
  • The mobility of the tank
  • The self durability of the tank
  • The range of the tank

Discord should go thru barriers again.

Buffing Certain Tanks isn’t going to fix the main problem with the tank role…

We need to buff ALL tanks and see what each of there problems are.

I think buffing Zen’s Dive capability, would effectively buff Dive Tanks.

And buffing Orisa back to main tank status would buff Roadhog.

but sigma is an off tank…

Orisa is an offtank currently as well.

I think they’d be better suited as main tanks.

Yeah but not everyone plays zen. Plus buffing a character for a certain meta isn’t going to help the dive tanks by themselves.

You need to buff, Hammond, Winston and D.Va individually.

Like how they buffed pharah gave herself more play time rather than mercy.

Every tank with a shield should be a main tank. Off tanks with shields create double shield metas. Which is WHY they need to change sigma and make him more of a main tank or give him an actual off tank that goes with him better than orisa does.

I agree that Orisa needs her barrier buffed and halt/rock need to be nerfed but tbh I think they should nerf Sig’s barrier to 600 and bring his old damage back so that we can finally admit he’s an offtank. Plus taking away their dps potency and replacing it with just a bit of barrier health will just mean we get boring double barriers that dont ever go down or Rein press W and wins every game. I’d say nerf halt and sig barrier, buff sig damage and orisa shield, Orisa can main tank again, halt/rock is less powerful because halt nerf, sig could essentially be a slower midrange d.va basically, and we could go back to choosing between Orisa, Ball, Winston, or Rein comps as the main player to engage around. Sig/Hog could even be potentially viable just by having so much poke damage, even tho they only have a little utility shield, the power of kinetic grasp could let you win shield war, esp with a baptiste on your team? Idk. Orisa has an identity as the bunker anchor tank and we should give that back to her, but Sig’s identity to me has always been about high damage output that’s capped by player skill and using his shield to peel (which is definitely more akin to an offtank than a main tank.

They could make him an offtank or maintank, but they should pick one.

Remove all counterplay from discord. Brilliant idea.


The stronger Orisa’s barrier is the faster her barrier charge rate is unless you also increase the cooldown of the barrier by the same proportion.

Because the next barrier is effectively being “charged” as soon as the first barrier is deployed, the barrier charge rate is barrier HP divided by cooldown time.

Orisa with a longer cooldown can be too clunky to use.

Already been done, it didn’t change much. That’s a CC ability that either works or just doesn’t work at all.

Discord doesn’t do anything if you don’t take damage.

So stand behind a wall, barrier, or use a cleanse ability like Zarya bubble, Mei iceblock, Reaper wraith, Moira Fade, etc.

There are a million flank characters in this game and discord going through shields = 24/7 discord uptime so that’s a fat no.