✅ Tank balance is easy to fix

The main issue there is Orisa is basically immune to Dive with 4sec of 50% damage reduction and CC immunity.

By harshly weakening fortify and kinetic grasp and removing cc from accretion, you are inadvertently making tanks in low ranks unplayable against reaper. The only main tanks that can counter reaper are orisa and sigma, and by nerfing the elements they use to counter him it makes tanking in low ranks miserable.

Besides that, I also think that by doing this, you are effectively making sigma a shield Bot. Unlike orisa, all of sigma’s abilities are non supportive and only strengthen him. So by severely nerfing them all just to buff his shield, his whole kit is essentially just his shield.

But since i know you enjoy making ideas, I will say I think this one is on the right track. One suggestion you could possibly integrate is to have orisa and sigmas abilities stay strong, but they are weakened when their shields are active. But you’re the expert, not me. But you’re getting closer to the answer.

You push in, and Sigma/Orisa can get melted.
Especially without Orisa throwing a 50% AOE Slow out, and Sigma stunning key targets to the ground.

And either tank can get a Discord thrown on their head.

For balance this would be not that bad but fun is also something to be considered. Which especially in sigmas case could get worse.

Sigma doesn’t even need changes. Right now he’s actually not that bad? When rein or zarya gets banned he’s played the most. His ult charge is still insane. He still does good damage. His shield is although low on hp still really reliable. His accretion is insane. Kinetic grasp works as intended. But he’s not too strong to where he can’t be dealt with. I would say he’s the most balanced out of all the tanks at the moment.

Orisa was never used in Goats. If it was used to counter Goats, then you’re worrying about countering a composition that no longer exists.

Look at it this way.

A shield Tank has ‘power’ divided into HP, Armour, Fortify, DPS, Halt, and Shield.

The more points you put into Shield, in a zero sum equation, the less power the Tank can have elsewhere. It’s like any character creation.

So, between Tanks, if you put two versions of ‘shield’ focused of those heroes together, the more that power overlaps, and the more is lost when those shields are overrun. The less then you want to play them together.

Go the other way in that zero sum, and put power into DPS or Halt, or Accretion, and suddenly there’s less power lost when the shields are inevitably overrun.

We should REALLY be looking to nerf rein zarya. And not just buffing others instead.

By the way, can Zenyatta apply a heal orb to a teammate behind an enemy barrier?

I’ve played a lot of Zenyatta, I don’t know. I don’t think so.

Let’s just add that, just in case. Would make it so Zen could just sit back and help out the Dive/Rushdown, despite how many barriers go up.

Ironically enough, the tank overhaul patch which nerfed their barrier just made SigRisa even stronger. Barriers weren’t why these two were good together, it was that they had barriers and considerable peeling power on top of that, which isn’t really something a main tank should have. The one weakness Double Barrier sort of had prior to the tank overhaul was being bum-rushed by a Deathball, because neither Sigma nor Orisa were very good in close range combat. The tank overhaul outright removed that weakness without really imposing any meaningful penalty on the comp, which is why we saw SigRisa become even more mandatory post-patch.

Dive is fairly vulnerable here, Deathball is much less so. Zarya heavily impinges on Mei, and while Reaper is a problem against all tanks, the combined presence of Zarya and Ana and/or Brigitte makes his life considerably more difficult. Unlike Blizzard’s extreme and heavy-handed moves, the idea here isn’t to blast Double Barrier out of existence, just to weaken it enough to create counter-strategies that work.

This is not a good idea. We already have enough problems retaining tank players. We don’t need to aggravate that issue by nerfing Rein and Zarya, who are frankly well balanced. They only appear strong by relation because Sigma and Orisa are weak, which means there’s essentially no viable alternative comp unless bans are literally forcing Sigma into viability. I would say Sigma is less bad than Orisa, but he still is overall underpowered at the moment–running him with an off-tank is very tough, and even when Rein is banned, the default move is to run him with Orisa.

Snipers are a necessity to deal with airborne heroes.
Consistent Barriers are a necessity to deal with Snipers. (And ranged CC).

You know that. And that’s not likely to change.

Goal is to enforce diva as the superior comp, am I right?

What they need to then do is add a tank to the game that compliments sigma. He currently only really pairs with Orisa. Another shield tank. No one wants double barrier but there’s no way to make sigma unpar with others without sparking double barrier again. So they need to add a non shield off tank to the game that will help out sigma severely.

They could start by by making tank abilities WORK.

Reinhardt’s Charge does not work. It does not grab an enemy and slam them against a wall; it plows through entire groups and gently bumps them doing little damage.

Roadhog’s hook does not work. It breaks if someone moves AFTER they’ve been hooked.

D.Va, as a whole, does not work. Her guns are terrible. Her missles are terrible. Her lone tanking ability is trash. Her mobility is of moderate value. Her armor does not keep her alive. Every ability is weak and frustrating. Every one has crushing flaws and feels bad.

That’s the constant with tanks. “Abilities that do not work, are weak and feel frustrating/disappointing.”

And it’s all to keep DPS players happy. Tanks are garage because DPS mains are petty, spiteful and outnumber everyone else.

Goal is to make Sigma+Orisa weaker at close range, such that the barrier strength doesn’t matter.
Which could be helped by getting an offtank, to provide Peel.

Overall that would provide more Tank variety, and the Tank variety provides an “ecosystem” for other types of DPS/Healers to thrive in.

Or it will grab people no where near him and literally teleport them into his charge. And grab people that are past the wall he’s slamming into.

False? I’ve been playing a lot of hog recently. 53% hook accuracy cause i’m still learning him but a 56% winrate. His hook works perfectly like 98% of the time. It’s only ever broken for me if they go around a corner. Other than that hog is really fine and he just needs a main tank pair that actually is good. Because orisa is so weak right now. He can’t really shine as much.

I have started to play d.va much more and i can say her missiles are fine. Her guns need less spread and more range. She needs her recovery time for matrix buffed.

Could be worse you could main a dps that everyone hates for no reason simply because they suck at the game and can’t learn to counter him :confused:

It would enforce double barrier even further which would enforce dive, because they are now very deceptable to dive

I wish the game would go back to dive. That was the best state of the game.

Prior to the barrier overhaul patch, he worked pretty well with both Hammond and Zarya, as well