One of the cheapest Ults is 1500
And half of 900 + 1300 + 900 = 1550
Assuming only one player is shooting at the barrier, that’s one Ult, at best
More like 2x 1/3rd of an Ult, and 1/4th of a Zarya Ult.
One of the cheapest Ults is 1500
And half of 900 + 1300 + 900 = 1550
Assuming only one player is shooting at the barrier, that’s one Ult, at best
More like 2x 1/3rd of an Ult, and 1/4th of a Zarya Ult.
And that is what makes them a requirement due to how powerful ults are. That is the core issue right there.
Most of them are around 1800-1900, which would only require a small amount of additional ult charge from any source. It doesn’t have to be 100% of the ult, because they’re still getting what is essentially multiple free ults.
Well, i dunno i feel like the only way to fix it is 1-3-2…
Most of them are around 1800-1900, which would only require a small amount of additional ult charge from any source. It doesn’t have to be 100% of the ult, because they’re still getting what is essentially multiple free ults.
Are we going to assume that a team has only one damage source on it?
80% of 2 ults is an extremely large amount.
I’m not sure about this. Symmetra’s Ultimate would charge way too fast with that
80% of 2 ults is an extremely large amount.
How did 105% of a cheap Ult, become 160% of two average Ults?
Assuming a barrier has 1000 health, how much ultimate charge would a bastion gain solo focusing it and breaking it?
Towards an Ult that costs 2310.
Hm, seems like I mixed up barrier HP with the ult charge.
2 people getting half an ult from barriers alone would still be pretty ridiculous, however. You will still have a team fight of some kind after the barriers break.
We recently had ult charge requirements increased to avoid having everything revolved around ultimates, anything that changes that is a bad change.
So then Bastion would have about 21%(?) Ultimate charge destroying this shield, right? (2310 is this ult)
Its an interesting idea, I wish I could test it out on the workshop. I guess my main concern would be the concept of “win more” or snowballing. So, one team gets the advantage in breaking speed, gains that ultimate bonus charge and damage based charge. It could ramp up rapidly and maintain a momentum that the other team might struggle with recuperating tempo (forced to regroup). Then ironically, the defending team might need to go double shield to slow down the momentum.
Ultimately I’m trying to fix the problem of Queue Times.
And your paliative is to make tanks feed more ult cahrge?
And AnchorTanks being more interesting and fun is the answer.
You want make tanks more fun, lets go with more independency and CC reduction instead crazy game-shifting ideas.
Forgive the frankness, but 9 times out of 10 your topics make me, a tank player, go “this would make my job a living hell”.
But this whole “Rein or Lose” problem is getting in the way. As well as the “you could buff barrier tanks, but then it’s too much barrier”.
Too much barrier isn’t a problem. Overperfoming uncounterable double shield was.
Nerf Fortify, buff Orisa’s shield, bingo, we got bunker back and double shield loses in close range, if it remains viable at all.
I’m searching for a way to fix like 4 problems at the same time.
I suggest baby steps.
So then Bastion would have about 21%(?) Ultimate charge destroying this shield, right? (2310 is this ult)
Its an interesting idea, I wish I could test it out on the workshop. I guess my main concern would be the concept of “win more” or snowballing. So, one team gets the advantage in breaking speed, gains that ultimate bonus charge and damage based charge. It could ramp up rapidly and maintain a momentum that the other team might struggle with recuperating tempo (forced to regroup). Then ironically, the defending team might need to go double shield to slow down the momentum.
The main idea is to make it so that DoubleBarrier is a niche strategy, and not a meta strategy.
And the nice part about a percentage number, is they can adjust it until it’s just right for high tier play.
Ideally each individual barrier tank would be viable without DoubleBarrier.
As well as somewhat viable with DoubleBarrier.
Nerf Fortify, buff Orisa’s shield, bingo, we got bunker back and double shield loses in close range, if it remains viable at all.
Well, they certainly could go the simpler route with something like this.
Projected Barrier
- Increased to 900HP, up from 600HP.
- Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.
Experimental Barrier
- Decreased to 600HP, down from 900HP
- No cooldown delay when deploying and canceling the barrier.
Then maybe throw in something like this:
weakening her selfpeel.
Which is pretty easy to do, since 40% damage reduction for 4sec could become
- 40% damage reduction for 2sec
- 20% damage reduction for 4sec
- 10% damage reduction for 4sec but:
- Immune to headshots
- No Ult charge feeding
- Can bodyblock EarthShatter and D.vaBomb
This is actually one of your better ideas IMO, and frankly it doesn’t even need the stipulation of “if using X and Y hero.” Just make it a blanket rule on barriers. It makes running off-tanks seriously less punishing, and actually creates a defined weakness for Double Barrier since running two barriers means the enemy is going to just feed on those until they can get their ults then stomp you more barrier uptime = more feeding, which is one of the reasons that Double Barrier comps right now are better than single barrier (among others)
It won’t tamp out Double Barrier altogether, but I also don’t think it needs to