[✅] One way to fix DoubleBarrier


  • 200 armor, 200 shieldhealth, 100 health


  • 200 armor, 200shieldhealth
  • Barrier cooldown reduced to 7sec, down from 10sec


  • When hacking an enemy Orisa, airborne barrier-projectiles are cancelled


  • Moved to the Tank Role
  • 10sec Icewall cooldown, down from 13

Makes these Tanks a bit less reliant on Healers

But makes it an extreme Sombra EMP threat to have 2 AnchorTanks on the same team.

How about we add these too:


  • Gains 40% lifesteal when damaging enemy shieldhealth.


  • Current math replaced with 20% damage resistance.

Armor change makes it a lot easier for Sombra to farm ult off of armored targets.


Starts drooling.

Starts drooling profusely


Nice idea.But I would like that the devs try your heavy damage and barrier split of some tanks and dps.Then make barrier tanks strong becouse no more barrier stacking would be possible.

Could throw this in too


  • Gains 40% lifesteal when damaging enemy shieldhealth.

Or just play the right heroes to get around it. When I’m playing DPS up against double shield, I like to shoot their backline out with Pharah. On some maps, I’ll even Sombra. Doomfist is another option as well.

That actually makes a lot of sense.

Sombra mains will be thriving with this!

I can’t say I like the change on Orisa, it makes her a bit squishier than she’s meant to be.

The Symmetra idea is good though, gives her a leg up in the battle against Sigma and especially Zarya.

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I mean, you know me, I’m always on the lookout for exuses to make Orisa and Sigma into better MainTanks.

Could probably buff Orisa barrier cooldown down from 10sec to 7sec.

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If we’re going to buff Sombra, we may as well give Orisa’s shield the Sigma treatment. Make it channelled and cancelled by hack. Orisa’s shield is airborne for so little time that the Sombra buff you proposed is a token buff at best. The only time you’ll ever see that action is during EMP, and a Sombra worth her salt will wait for the barrier to be placed and Orisa’s shield to be on cooldown anyway.

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I figure they can manage their barrier cooldowns a lot more when you got a doublebarrier going.

And this would reduce the waiting time on that, as you mentioned.

And time is kinda important when it comes to counters.

Maybe it’s just me, but the shield-destroying part of EMP has always felt frustrating to play against. I’m all for giving double barrier comps more counterplay and buffing Sombra, but I don’t like this idea.

Don’t forget that Sombra’s EMP just flat out deletes shields though, and her hack specifically deletes Sigma’s shield when he’s hacked. The barrier management between the two doesn’t matter. Sigma’s shield is going to vanish in an EMP regardless of whether he has it out or not, so all Sombra has to worry about is whether the Orisa shield is out. If it’s out, then it’s time to EMP. Your proposed change doesn’t change that interaction much, but my proposed change would allow Sombra to disabled the shield outside of EMP as well.

I don’t think it would be good to go any lower than 8 seconds personally, that’s where it was when it was considered broken even before Sigma’s release.

I think if they are to cut down the double shield usage, it’s Sigma that’s gonna need to see some sort of major change. Not one that nixes double barrier as a strategy altogether, but one that makes it not so dominant.

Something like bumping his barrier health down, but making some kind of change to grasp that allows him to still function despite the nerf.

Maybe 600 barrier like Orisa, but instead of grasp being what it is, instead make Sigma drop a black hole in the air that consumes all projectiles as it does already. It would be like a deployable defense matrix.

That’s what I’ve got off the top of my head anyway

It was 8sec, when it was 900hp.

900hp/8sec = 112.5 hp/s
112.5 hp/s * 7sec = 787.5 barrier HP

If we were to get an equal amount of hp per second, it would be
600 / 112.5 = 5.33sec (Which is a lot lower than 7)

I mean, this doesn’t make DoubleBarrier unusable, it just makes it really risky. Particularly on an extended Defense.

Seems like even MORE nerfs to tanks.

Maybe everyone should just practice shooting barriers with their team instead of leaving it all up to 1 guy.

You know, team work…

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Reinhardt doesn’t need buffs.

Actually, as long as the enemy team isn’t using a Sombra. It’s a buff to the Tanks.
And makes Orisa and Rein less dependent on Healers.

Although the Armor thing I threw on the bottom has positives and negatives.

On one hand, Widow would do 240 damage for a headshot. Instead of 295.
On the other hand, Sombra/Reaper/Tracer would do 30% more damage to armor.

It’s a buff and a nerf at the same time. Dependent on whether the enemy team is running a Sombra.

Which makes sense, if you understand that we need more Tank players, ideally BarrierTank players.
But without encouraging DoubleBarrier.

well the only issue with this is…ya know, sombra

generally, orisa is probably the only real main tank that doesnt get destroyed by sombra, and im not sure if taking that away from us tank players is really good.

if there is a competent sombra in the enemy team almost every MT is out of the question, except orisa because if she hacks you can either throw a barrier quickly or fortify for the duration