✅ Nerf PharMercy, Buff Pharah&Mercy

Pharah never seemed like she was allowed to be good because Pharmercy exists.

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Or just make pharah take 50% less healing while airborne and give her armor


I agree with the idea of nerfing their synergy but buffing then individually but it’s easier just to reduce the amount of times mercy can guardian angel without touching the ground and then giving mercy 60 HPS and then giving Pharah 150 health and 50 shield

how you can buff pharah with no a rework?

if she is to strong, she will hardcounter to many no range heros and we will see mcree 24x7… and he right now have a ridiculous pickrate.

I kinda like these changes for them but also sometimes you don’t even have a pharah on your team and you stay airborne because your running a super mobile comp I personally played a dive comp on ilios ruins where they had a junk and a reaper so I just stayed airborne all round because of boosters , monkey jump , dash , our Lucio wall riding around and Our junk flying with mines I was literally airborne 98% of the time so I’m not sure about the Ga Change and pharah having armor is better because it makes hitscans damage weaker against her but maybe giving her armor and shields could be fun

I would say change it to while using angelic descent because it would be kinda terrible if when ever you’re airborne (besides jumping ofc)

Her passives name is Angelic descent

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Thanks ;D

In Platinum through GM she’s got a similar or worse pickrate to Bastion.

If console is the issue, just reduce the rocket explosion radius on console.

So just disable her passive while using angelic descent?

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man i know that pharah have bad pickrate and maybe winrate… but this is because she is not strong right now… my question is how to put pharah on strong position when she hardcounter to many no range heros.

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honestly if theres one thing ive learned in my entire experiance in shooters competitive or not, not getting hit is infinitely better in ever possible way. its almost op in some games with how mobility can work

Why not give phara 100 shields 100 hp

so she gets some self sustain of her own that doesnt affect pharmercy

  1. Because armor is uniquely good against hitscan weapons at range.
  2. Because she’s literally wearing a suit of armor.
  3. With all the buffs against Pharah, and this nerf to Mercy being perma-airborne, I think that’s plenty.
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my only problem is the regenaration nerf, does that include flying with guardian angel? Superjump? falling down? Mercy does not stay in the air only due to pharmercy…

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I like the simplification VoltairAro posted.

Just disable her regen passive while using Angelic Descent.

I.e. Holding down spacebar = no regen

I disagree with disabling her regen when she is using angelic descent. I hardly ever even have a Pharah in my games and I like to hover from high ground and such to keep LOS of my team mate while trying not to be in LOS of the enemy team. I shouldn’t not have my passive because of my positioning. And what now That I super jump trying to juke from heroes trying to kill me I don’t get to heal when they take a second to damage me ? For what ? 2 heroes that are both in a bad spot to begin with ?


I think that’s kind of irrelevant now that you got a wide variety of DPS choices, including Sombra.

Healer, you got Baptiste/Zen/Ana/Moira

And tank you got Orisa and D.va.

Every role has options to deal with Pharah.

Well, that’s why Mercy is getting buffs to offset the nerfs.

So Mercy gets a hard nerf to her sustain and Pharah’s nerf is less blast range. What a joke lmfaoo. She can ramp up her heals a little and some stronger healing in valk. Pharah get 50 armor, shorter CD on her boop, and can cancel her ult. But it’s okay Pharah got a nerf too.


this is my point… man…

i dont like when the junkrat, symmetra… allied or enemy should to insta swap because the enemy pick pharah or pharhamercy… right now pharha is a bad design. hardcounters are bad designs. and needs reworks.

I like to super jump a lot and stay up in the air to stay away from flankers. That nerf to her regeneration would probably destroy me.