✅ Mei, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall

I think you’re misunderstanding my intentions. I have over 60 hours on Mei.

And what with this current nerf after 4 nerfs probably set to do… Nothing… to affect her OWL pickrate.

Moving her to the Tank Role is preferable to watching her get nerfed below Bastion tier.



True… I didn’t get that either…
What if, instead ice block became more of a tanking move? Make it a little bigger or something, rather than have it self heal.


I have 200 hours on Mei and making her a tank would be the worst idea ever.

I mean i got like around 320 hrs on Wb, 200 hr RH, 180 on Orisa, 120 on Rein, 80 on Winston, 40 on Sigma, and 20 on D.Va

So at least over 1k hours on tanks. Mei is not a tank and to make her one would require just making an entirely new hero.

I could give a rats as about OWL and I hate it so much for ruining so many good things in this game.

2-2-2 gave Mei’s wall so much more value and OWL caught on how amazing it was with people with near perfect coordination.


Sadly, the devs do though.
They’ll nerf her till she’s unplayable in OWL, Which means rock bottom of F tier for ladder.

She’s at least much more tanky than roadhog.

I actually disagree with you on this one. This last nerf I feel like is the straw that breaks the camel’s back because it removes her ability to freeze + double headshot which is really crucial for her damage output.


I mean yeah, I basically came up with the idea.
Give Mei projectile drop - #16 by GreyFalcon-11737

But now that it’s on Live, I’m still doubting it will be enough for OWL.

So I’m skipping ahead a few steps down the nerf path, and thinking it would be better to avoid that path entirely.

Since sure I can toss out nerf ideas easily.

For instance, can’t deploy wall locations through enemy barriers.
Or give a 50% damage resistance buff to enemies that are frozen.

There are tons of nerfs they could do, but OWL is primarily using her for her wall traps, and her self sustain.

And you’d practically need to delete the hero entirely if you got rid of those.

Dude, what? Reworking heroes isn’t usually great for anyone in general, but reworking heroes into different classes is an even worse idea… periodt.

If she ever got such a huge rework into a tank I’d quit Overwatch, I don’t even play her often but if they changed things up that drastically omg Mei meins would go insein.

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We need more changes than this. This is just a straight up HP and wall buff… who even uses cryo-freeze to heal anyways?

I’d say change her right click entirely; +20% fire speed (make it faster, idk how to word it right), give it a arc and lower the projectile speed to 90ms and the damage to 65. She shouldn’t be able to not be one shot by snipers whilst be able to shoot them down with ease. She can still totally spam them down with the faster firerate, but won’t be killing them as much more just making them run away.

She wouldn’t be able to oneshot the snipers either.

But she would be able to get them to back off. Which in it’s own way, is a form of zone control that Tanks are famous for.

Why no?

How you can confirm that mei will not be a tank if after like 10 nerfs, she is still to opressive and also must pick on owl.

I’m not sure about the self healing change- But overall I like this better.

I know it’s not a popular opinion,

But I absolutely think mei should’ve been a tank.

Her entire kit is around maintaining and controlling space.

Get in range and you get CCd over time, and then killed of you don’t get out of her space quickly enough.

Her secondary ability forms an obstruction- that can be used to defend team mates from abilities, block off snipers, lift up camping bastions, trap enemies, block chokes, alter routing paths, etc.

Her third ability makes her immortal, gives her huge stall potential- and heals her considerably.

Everything about her screams tank.

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The problem is with these buffs she can not only make them back off, but can out right kill them with ease. She needs to the nerfs to balance it out.

Do you think Zarya can’t kill other tanks?

She also needs a redesign then, there’s not a single tank that as small as she is, imagine Hog dressed like Mei, seems kinda silly to me.

There’s not another hero that can freeze enemies.

Unique design isn’t bad.

Why not though? She would fit in the tank role perfectly

No I meant she’d have to be bigger and would look ridiculous.

I know what you mean, I just think it’s kinda trivial.

The way I countered her higher HP with lower selfheal, she’ll have similar survival to what she does now.

Which is to say, she isn’t so tanky that she’d need a bullet sponge body to balance it out.

As much as I like the idea of Mei as a tank I don’t think she would work in that role, not with these changes or others for these reasons

  • Small hitbox, small critbox
  • She isn’t able to gain space for her team on her own
  • Her “shield” blocks vision and is easily destroyable
  • She has a ton of dmg at long ranges for a tank
  • Her only real tank skill is that damn wall and perhaps her ult

If anything I think torb would be a better suit for a tank rework and for Mei honestly they should just take that wall from her and give it to another Tank hero they might be working on and for Mei just give her something more offense oriented like an ice spike that comes out of the floor and is an inmediate stun but is so hard to land that you require a lot of finesse to pull it off

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