✅ If Mei was moved to Tank Role

Not successfully :confused:

And Mei has never been picked often. She was super low pickrate pretty much always.

Thats… not true at all. I distinctly remember a time before Orisa where her additional shield was coveted and she was a desirable off tank.


I always thought JR was a good defense hero. With his spam and his trap he could cover multiple angles pretty well too.

I was such a noob though. Didn’t even realize I could use trap on flanks to protect the backside or alert myself/team of flankers. Oh well, I know now. That’s all that counts right?


So what would you think about Mei having
5sec walls, with 2.5sec duration, with 200hp per pillar?

Instead of her usual wall with double all of that.

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Well, I can just say at this point in the game, as a tank, I would never want Mei as a second tank. Not as the off tank, definitely not as the main tank. And reworking her to be a tank is possible, but she’d be so different that it’s hard to assess what she’d be like. Basically everything about her would have to be altered.

She would need:
More hp.
A larger player model.
Less damage, particularly on the icicle (tanks aren’t really allowed to have good ranged attacks)
Ice wall would have to be adjusted for her tanking role.
Ice block would have to change, a tank with total invuln on demand is far too frustrating.

Wondering if Jeff or other devs got an opinion on this topic.
Since they had also changed Sym to damage.

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After all the bad reworks that have divided heroes playerbases, I really hope Mei doesn’t get touched and stays dps. I love her how she is.

Well as a tank main, I genuinely love having Mei as an off tank as she is. I’ve played with my friend who is a Mei main since release and we have a lot of synergy. Wrecking ball can grapple on her wall, wall jump on it for a fast piledriver, or hide behind it for safety while i use third person view to line up a pick. She sits back and peels for Ana and contains the space i make. As long as i take care of the snipers she thrives.

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Yeah, but in 2-2-2, you have Mei and the off tank.

Mei is like Brigitte. She’s a bit of a hybrid but doesn’t have enough of that role to hang with the big dogs.

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I’m talking abt qpc, and before forced 222. Please don’t miss the part where i said i played alongside a Mei main since release.

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I think a lot of that is all relative.

She’s got smaller HP, but also an invulnerable health regen and a smaller hitbox.

It’s less about what raw stats she has, and more to do with if she can effectively do the functions that the role needs.

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Back then the other team probably just had one tank, though.

Then you admit shes a tank?

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No. It’s just that one and a half tanks probably does beat one tank.

I used to play Brigitte as a “tank”, too. But having a real off tank was better.

Hahaha i got you lmaooo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you admitted shes a tank.

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Technically he said she’s half-a-tank.

Arguably, with a few stats tweaks, Brig could easily be an offtank.

I’m not sure what that would accomplish.

He only said that once i called him out. He slipped and tried to fix his statement.

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I’d play tank. So there is that