If they did that then the cd would need to be lower but then you’d see more IF…
I don’t know. I’d rather they just flip his ult and IF field and adjust accordingly.
If they did that then the cd would need to be lower but then you’d see more IF…
I don’t know. I’d rather they just flip his ult and IF field and adjust accordingly.
If the goal is to solely “deal” with double barrier, there are a couple of solutions that don’t enforce “dive is the only solution by making all objects in the game a projectile so Dva can eat them with DM”.
One option, give special abilities bonus damage vs barriers based on a percentage of the total barrier health.
Pharah has this in Beta in her E except it was flat damage and didn’t scale well between Winston / Zarya / Rein barriers. Making it a percentage based on barrier total health solves that problem.
Another solution - for beam weapons Barrier piercing for half damage. 50% of the damage applied tot eh barrier, the other pierces.
Now, Winston, Sym, Zarya, Echo, Mei become barrier based threats. But they have to play close enough for the pierce to matter sufficiently. The 50% split means tanks can still get supported and aren’t turned into pierce-fodder.
Thrown turrets ? Yep
I support this
Tbh, the more I think about it, the less likely they will do it.
I’m thinking instead
Baptiste: Deploy delay on IF equal to the throw animation
Sigma: No stun on Accretion, and more Barrier
Brigitte: No stun on ShieldBash, and more Barrier
Yeah I know new hero’s would be the best method for dealing with double barrier but I do not trust the balance team at all with this. Just look at how they delt with dive they released brig which was overtuned to the point of completely dominating the game.
But yes sensible balance changes would work wonders. A support that could pierce barriers is just one option.
And like you said a hero that dealt extra damage to barriers would also work wonders the problem is that there isn’t an option like this in the game right now.
But yes new hero’s that while not countering at the level of og brig but still having an advantage vs these comps would be the best addition to this game
Giving the playerbase more options to deal with the problems currently in the game is the best course of action
The suggestions I have are entirely possible with the current engine and applicable to current heroes. I didn’t even suggest the requirement of a “new hero”.
Good playing can make your ult charge incredibly fast. In fact, I’d argue that its completely fine to say “Ok, eat my ult, I’ll have another in seconds” if you’re that good.
Lamp tho, it can’t be charged any faster than its CD. Having it be edible would just mean D.va’s would sit on Baptiste, and Bap would never be allowed to use one of his skills. Unfair.
Unnecessary change tbh. Bap’s IF has an instant cast time, considering he’s throwing it at his feet nears his teammates. It’d be almost impossible to eat as D.va and Sigma, much less deflect as Genji.
Honestly the only time you’d deflect it as Genji is if he throws it directly at you, which I don’t know why he would unless he was throwing.
Also IF has a 30 sec long cooldown, for it to be able to get deflected and eaten would make the player rage and switch to Lucio.
Pierce would break certain hero’s especially zarya.
But the problem with just making barriers weaker in general is that now single shield gets significantly worse while double shield gets the same debuff.
That’s why to really solve this we should look at specific abilities that punish double shield yet reward single shield teams.
Old sym pierce use to do that but that hero has been reworked enough already. That’s why the best solution to me would be to introduce new hero’s