Defence Matrix can eat minature black holes from Zarya. Also Zaryas ultimate takes way longer to charge than Baps cooldown. I think this is a fine change to make.
I also want DM to eat Sigmas stupid rock. This rock is another reason Dive isn’t viable vs Sigma.
Personally, I feel that is fine because Zarya melts Dva and Mei is quite strong against her too. You have options to avoid DM as those characters. So I suppose it is kind of inaccurate to argue the cool down is the issue I have with it so much as it makes that MU completely lopsided to the point where nobody in their right mind would play Baptiste into a Dva.
People should stop crying about it… its strong yes but the cooldown is a huge drawback. Stop crying. If you want to nerf it more then buff the cooldown.
Oh, yeah, it goes well beyond their original intent, I absolutely agree. I just think it would feel awful to have that eaten when it is more of a defensive cooldown. Most everything else that can be consumed is technically offensive in nature. This would put you into a situation where you cannot even use the ability if Dva dives you, but you are likely to die if you do not. Assuming no peel, which is of course the plat experience.
I mean, do not get me wrong, I would not complain if they did this. I just feel it would be awful design.