[✅] D.va/Sigma can eat Lamp

Isn’t this basically the Ana-D.Va matchup since time immemorial, though. Can’t sleep, can’t nade, can’t even fire, can only watch as you get clobbered while DM is covering you.

Yup, and basically the whole situation Dive was originally built on.

Most people just throw it towards the ground because they are fighting in a stationary position. They barely ever throw it forwards or towards an enemy but behind them so it makes it harder for the enemy to destroy and still keeps you and your team alive.

Tbf this is a perfect utility buff for Dva, and logically it makes sense, not sure why it hasn’t been implemented before

Finally a reasonable criticism.

I’ll need to give that one some thought.

Really need to test if it’s true that throwing it straight down bypasses the throwing animation delay.

If so…add a delay when throwing it straight down, equal to the throwing animation.

Keep in mind that DVa can absorb Junkrat’s mines, so it is not totally illogical to absorb Bap’s lamp.

Both are projectiles. DM does just eat projectiles and hitscan attacks. Simple as that.

It is when you think about it that others can see the health bar on it.

you are what you eat

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I dont think thats mechanically consistent, if you look at other constructions like turrets that have HP. You can’t matrix or deflect torbs turret or syms. It would be cool if genji could deflect it, and seeing as matrix is used to eat ults I wouldn’t put too much stock into the comment about it being excessive for lamp being on a long cooldown. It would also be impressively hard to predict. Not a bad idea, tbh.

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I wouldn’t mind this change IF D.va/Sigma and Genji could eat and deflect “undeployed” turrets like Symmetra’s and Torbjorn’s as well.

But as it stands right now, I disagree with this proposal.


It would be more interesting if the item had more counterplay.

It allows baptism to be outplayed. But then he can also bait out defense matrix if he is good.

It would raise the skill cap of the ability. And add more interesting scenarios

Well it promotes bap actually playing smart and not wasting his lamp because they dove blank.

He has to be conscious of the situation around him and outplay his opponents rather than haha immortality go brrrr

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Like it’s not bad
But immortality is not the issue what are you guys doing

By this logic Genji can deflect Torb and Sym turrets and turn them friendly.

I don’t mind! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It legitimately astounds me that people are still having this much trouble with lamp. It gets deleted super quickly and I’m almost certain that everyone who has complained about it being “no skill” has never actually played Bap for an extended period of time. If you’re playing dive you’ll be on top of the lamp anyways, just shoot it.


Not on a 25 second cooldown.

Huge no, that defeats the purpose of the thing

It’s already super easy to destroy and on a super long cooldown, and dive isn’t entirely shut down by it anyways what with Winston damaging it and the target or Doomfist and Hammond pushing people out of it.

And again mentioning that cooldown. Winston could jump 4 times before he gets another field, there’s plenty of room to work around that especially for dive.

It’s like this literally any time Baptiste is good. Even when field isn’t the source of the problem people will demand nerfs.


Ok you’ll have to apply all these same changes to Sym and Torb’s turrets in that case, since immortality field acts in the exact same ways

Except Mei ult is an offensive ability. If you want this then literally every deployable should follow this rule.