✅ BarrierTank variety would be good

But no worse off than against a Rein comp.

That’s one team comp, these changes would make them be terrible against all single barrier comps.

So they’d be terrible against what is currently a throw comp?

I.e. Anything that doesn’t involve Rein


Why would we want to be balancing the game around throw comp vs throw comp?

I like the barrier tanks

reinhardt - barrier tank for aggressive up close teams

orisa - anchor tank for setting up a defense

winston - mobile main tank for mobile teams

sigma - flexible tank for being a supportive off tank and when needed a shield tank.

hammond - main tank not shield tank. he is fun and different. he is like a dive tank and for disrupting to set up kills

I think these designs are well thought. however the problem I feel is that there has always been 1 over the other. Perhaps if they are all balanced and equal in there own ways we can see if they need changes. so either wait 5 years for perfect balance or just change them. our choice. or blizzards.

They would be as bad as they are now if you buff single barrier

So, no worse off.

And your argument is that increasing the variety of Tank compositions would be bad,
Because it makes it so that there’s fewer throw comps in the game?

Nah, I prefer fighting her than Reinhardt.

Plus, he has more CC than Orisa.

he has a high risk CC on 1 person, and has a high impact high counterability ultimate, orisa has a better grav every 8 seconds, damage reduction every 10, and a huge damage increase constructible ultimate

No, Double off tank is bad against 1 single barrier tank, the change you propose would make such a comp worse against everything.

No, there would be less options in the long run and at least the same amount of throw comps.

So making it so there’s fewer throw comps in the game is bad, because it makes it so a throw comp loses to what used to be a throw comp?

I said equal or more.
There will always be a META and it will most likely be a mirror match when played.
The changes will make Double Off Tank even more irrelevant than ever and likely not give them a chance to be even remotely viable for a long time.

And yet she’s still more fun to play against.

that’s extremely subjective, and im pretty sure youre in the minority with that opinion

Aren’t opinions great?