★ New Official ExC Patch Notes (Mcree buffs, junkrat rework)

If tracer was fair, she wouldn’t deserve to be one-shot.

Until that day, I’m all for it.

Hanzo one-shots everyone but tanks at range but the devs seem to think that’s cool.


If I read it correctly, it is clearly a nerf. You want orbs to move as slow as possible on your targets… especially the healing one.

I hope this was a typo from the devs, or they don’t understand Moira enough to realizethat they just nerfed her hard…

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Well I was also pointing out in another thread that it can be good for the healing one if the target is like running away from you and unaware they have an orb on them……but other than that? Sounds like a nerf to me


It’s moving more slowly.


Tracer is perfectly fair, there’s just a really unnatural bias from people on the forums who for some reason think she runs around uncontested at every rank one clipping people. It’s actually baffling how ridiculous a lot of people here sound on the matter.

Hanzo’s arrows actually require a headshot as well as some aim to do so though. In this scenario Junkrat will likely more often than not kill her by accident.


It’s a buff. The orb moves slower on targets once it latches on.


And again Mcce, Moira and Junk stronger, amazing, DPSWatch.

Mcce need nerf, no more buffs!!!

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Before → 27.5% of normal speed on a target
ExC → 15% of normal speed on a target

0.15 speed is much slower than 0.275 speed, ie it sticks longer

“Accidentally” hitting a grenade is a long range issue, not a close range one.

Unless you mean tracer “accidentally” blinking into a grenade, in which case, sounds like you deserve to get blown up.

This is one more thing that helps make barriers better at long range but faster to drop at close range. Probably a net positive.

  • Slowed speed when it has a target has been reduced from 27.5% of normal, to 15% of normal

Then why not say this: Slowed speed when it has a target has been increased to 27.5% of normal, from 15% of normal

Aka say the slowed speed coefficient has been increased.

Oh they just referenced the coefficient then. They still worded it horribly.

visible confusion :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


McCree’s are whatever.

Completely dissatisfied with Junkrat’s. Please stop giving him more kill potential, even if it’s close-range and trading off damage at longer range. I rarely died to Junkrat long-range, or even mid-range. It was the fact that grenade + mine = instadeath on most characters. So we’re going to make that even stronger?



oh god i didnt even think about that combo with this buff


Welcome to OW2 Junkrat. Another flavor of insta ganker.

This exp is straight up ****


Mccree doesn’t need buffs.

Torb is actually strong now and his Overload buff increases his spam potential.

Torb’s buff and Junkrat’s buffs will hurt the Tanks hard.
Torb E ability + Right click shotgun spam makes him more terrifying than Reaper.
Torb E ability + Left click spam can be hurtful as Hanzo’s storm arrow (both have 70 damage with no fall off, can headshot).


People often use Moira as a DPS … and seeing the path she leads, in OW2 it will be.


I’ve wanted to try this specific change out for such a long time! Awesome.

Ah well I’m reading it wrong then….then yes buff

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If they are getting buff happy, then they need to buff everyone. You can’t increase the power standard and have the majority be under it lol.

At first I was a little miffed over Rat getting falloff but critting linear projectiles like Mei and Torb don’t, but it’s still a net buff even at max falloff so whatever.

Rat is gonna be even scarier at close range now. Like so much so this might not go live. 150 on directs with no reduction in ROF means he’s going to shred tanks even harder than before.