“Relativistic PBSR” better than “PBSR”

Good lookin out

Changed it.

You notice the deleterious effects of PBSR, which is caused by MMR. But you defend MMR?

They often play both sides.

Relativistic pbsr should be the defacto pbsr, reward folks for performing well when others haven’t at the same conditions.

Team avg mmr is woefully bad considering the amount work they did for distinguishing roles but then treat them as equally important??

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PBSR is rewarded based on performance

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Yes, but its blind to conditions and variables.

Like what other toons picked for starters.
Like how much did your teammates contribute, and what performance of your opponents for ideal situation.

And being a game where rolls are important what toons picked are important… PBSR is a poor mans attempt.

Only blind to the community.

Humans always fear what they don’t understand.

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Ok Charles, no one is fearing PBSR, just trying to make it better and more dynamic.

Unless your saying they’re fearing relativistic PBSR cause I havnt explained it well… that might be.

I always preferred Eric tbh.


But you don’t understand it enough to truly criticize it. Beyond maybe saying regressive ladder mobility needs to be more impactful.

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?? Pbsr looks at your toon and compares your performance with the average performance of that toon in your rank. It’s very simple. It doesn’t take into account

Who was on your team
Performance of the people on your team
Who was on the opposition
Performance of the opposition

These factors truly give you the equation of how much value your producing.

At this point I’m not sure why people would argue against adding more complexity to pbsr, except the obvious “it’s good enough”. But saying pbsr is good enough is not denying it could be better.

and why would it care who was on your team? if it matched the parameters required to meet the standards of an efficient match

so no one can have a bad game once in a while? this is metal ranks we are discussing, they are consistently inconsistent

6 other players within a standard deviation - seems legit

6 other people playing the game - grouped or not does not matter as YOU are given the SAME option to group as well - whether you take that option or not is on you not the system

team synergy is a real thing - try to synergize with your team?


Toons on your team give more or less synergy than others.

A hanzo comparing his dragon kills with a zarya than without. 1 hanzo may walk away with 10 dragon kills, the other maybe 3. The hanzo with 10 gets a little pbsr boost. The hanzo who duos with a zarya main is coasting a gravy train.

This is so obvious I dunno why you guys are picking it apart.

That same hanzo match up but against Lucio zen. Hanzo with zarya cant seem to figure when to dragon without the support alts keeping enemies alive. While hanzo without zarya still eeks out 2 dragon kills cause he can figure out cool downs better.

Folks I’m not sure why your defending the use of blind averages when tracking data of just who the oppositions was is easy todo, and or seeing HOW good the opposition is or even your team.

The dps that can’t self heal with healers that don’t enable must have higher talent if they have more elims than the dps that can’t seem to find cover and spams healing? (And it’s the same toon no less, same opposition, same map, same tanks).

More detail in pbsr can’t be bad?? And the more variables can only mean if you shine consistently but in ways that are not obvious, this system would recognize talents and skills.

In my opinion performance based on stats is bs , there are so many things you can do that do not show on performance , or game goes in a ways that you cant get performance.
You cant quantify people input in victory simply by numbers, it just forces people to play certain way.

Because it’s not that hard to be aware of when Zarya has grav and you can communicate with them to let them know you want to combo.

  • text chat
  • voice chat
  • spamming voice lines (ult ready)

It’s really not hard to enjoy the gravy train if you pay attention.

Because we’ve seen you make so many outlandish claims and yet your gameplay never supports them.

It’s like you actually believe you’re an owl player trapped in a gold players body.
Or that you’re somehow more intelligent than an entire team of developers who thought to solve these complex problems.

Circumstantially I “might” agree with that.

  • Depends on consistency of play

When did any of us claim that it is? I’m a huge proponent of data science implementation into match making (something pretty much all the rigged :clown_face: aren’t).

More data is always better and it leads to more accurate matches.

  • When the player base is alive and healthy.

But also says

It’s like you can’t make up your mind

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My thoughts are maybe try proofreading or putting some work into making your posts readable and coherent. This is a low-effort mess.


Dude I dunno about you. Sometimes we connect then you say things like this.

Wtf does my gameplay have to do with this idea. Your so hung up that you think every idea I have is to me trying to get to top500. If you take that notion out of your head and treat new ideas as just a simple way to improve the game I think your mind would be slightly more open to some of these thoughts.

I bring complex ideas like this to the very mundane Simple ideas - but for some reason you think I’m secretly trying to build a back door to gm?? You have to sit back and ask your self why do I have this bias against Bob. Like seriously.

As for being smarter than a team of developers? You keep asking me if I were a dEvLOpeR yOU’d KNowN this or that, mean while if you were in a real life code shop you’d know that some ideas can’t be done cause it would push the project out of release time frame. I am hoping the developers already thought of this thread and say “see I already thought of that but they told me it would take too long”. Maybe this was on the board as a nice to have. Voicing these ideas makes me believe that if a customer can come up with the idea maybe it comes off the board as a higher priority.

Cause this does this:


Not sure what your saying here. So again I’ll try to break it down.

Pbsr looks at the blind performance of a toon and ignores synergies of toon picks. Also ignores beneficial and or negative comp differences with opponents.

“Relativistic PBSR” adds more data to “PBSR” to recognize toon synergy. Which I think is the life blood of this game. It’s that simple. But go ahead make this about me or some dumbsh!t to make the idea sound “bad”.


You look at this whole thread and pick apart three poorly written paragraphs? Two words come to mind.

Just kidding Bob


This - you clearly do not understand the idea.

The hanzo with the zarya is measured against all hanzos in their rank at the end of the match. Not all hanzos had a zarya. Thus this hanzo is going to appear to have more grav dragons than avg (ult kills).

What’s worse, this hanzo is now increasing the avg of hanzo kills. So the hanzo without a zarya has to work extra hard.

Then why play Hanzo unless you’re specifically countering bastion?

There are legitimately better heroes at everything Hanzo does

  • And that’s coming from someone who only plays him.

Get better then. Land more crit shots and skew it for the Hanzo who’s boosted by his tank duo.

That being said, elims are shared and you’re discounting this. If Zarya used grav, that’s a stat. If Hanzo gets kills because of grav (there is an ult combo stat in stats page I believe). Either way, solo-elims likely count more towards PBSR than “elims”

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Because you like playing a toon? Sounds like your a little geared towards playing for stats. But also sounds like “relativistic pbsr” would be right for you! If you can’t consistently play with a zarya know that your performance isn’t being measured up with hanzo zarya duo groups.


This - has no bearing on the idea.

  1. We don’t know how pbsr works in fine details.
  2. Relativistic pbsr would “count the elims” just as reg pbsr but only count them when hanzo has a zarya.

No, I’m geared towards playing to win.

Aren’t you the one always crying about tank diff and all this nonsense about how it’s not your fault because your tanks are casual players and you’re a true competitor?

  • Who doesn’t understand playing to win :joy:

My point is, you’re associating playing for stats with correct game intelligence. I find that VERY interesting.

But you can’t say for sure that it doesn’t already. There’s for sure a grouped vs. non-grouped stat that is tracked.

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