“Relativistic PBSR” better than “PBSR”

The challenge is thrown out there, what better than this system…. But rarely do people comment about my relativity approach to performance.

This being a team game, and yes wins or losses are a factor. But you performance relative to your team and to the enemy team BEING CERTAIN TOONS - one can figure a better “skill” rating.

Can it recognize potatoes? Yes.
Can it recognize smurfs? Yes.



Isn´t this how it already works right now?
Or am I missing something?

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PBSR measures your performance based on how you did with other in your role across games.

Thats it.

What I suggest, you find the relative performance of everyone on your team AND enemy team.

So lets say you do pop-off on Genji, but it also shows that your Ana nano bladed you every time. So relative to her offensive assist (which are above normal) - you actually did slightly average with a Genji who had an ana with the same about of offensive assist.

Same scenario, your Genji - you think you did bad, however Ana never nano’d you. Records show Genji’s who were never nano’d actually only did 5k, but you 8k. You actually did better than average, and your Ana did not get the offensive assist, so it proves that you outperformed your peers even relative to the healers chosen (with all else being equal).

It better ties the relationships of the roles to your performance.

You only did 3k of damage and you lost, ho hum the team is blaming dps. Come turn out, compared to DPS with the same support that got healed more, you actually out damaged THOSE dps.

Current system: PBSR
Ignores relative stats and team relationships. An Ashe that was pocketed the whole game will score ABOVE PBSR because they were dmg boosted.

Relative engine.
A relative engine it might still be average - the only difference would be the skill involved to actually make a difference.


I don´t think something like this is necessary.
If you just compare your overall stats with other people of your skill level over a long period of time, you´d still get a good measurment of your performance.

Also we don´t know if the system takes things like recieved nanos into account, maybe it already does


The challenge was to find a “better” system. The white knights keep defending this system of a dead game… (imagine that, the game died so the system certainly didn’t “save” it). And always here is a “better” system.

You may not find it necessary but argue that it won’t measure skill any better? I think not.


That isnt a big sample size. Everyone in your rank is though

They dont do this because being the best on your team doesn’t mean you did well or deserve anything.

Your posts on here amount to you wanting to be rewarded for having bad team mates.


They have million of games already. What do they do on the first of the season? first of the patch? they use old data right? They can use OLD data (millions) to populate the average.

Thats exactly the point of relative stat engine. Maybe being the “best” was only due to OTHERS on your team deserving praise. Either you dont get it, or the Russian Troll farm is having a hard time “defending” the system from a good idea.

Russian troll farm talking point again… Why even bring this up?

Here I found a better ranking system folks, white knights are SILENT. no tales to be swapped here. The challenge was met?


Im from the US. We get that you dont like the system.

I dont think your idea is good tbh, you say its better and thats just your opinion. You dont deserve anything just for being better than your team.

Your team may not have been trying and thats not enough to reward you. They are going with the bigger sample size of everyone in your rank, as it should be


Too simplistic. You didn’t get healed, but was it because you healer was dead on cooldown, your healer was ultra passive and not in LOS, you were out of LOS, you ate one shots?

It’s asking for every game to be automatically disassembled and vod reviewed for at most 10’s of SR. Too much effort to code for too little QoL.

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WTF are you talking about?

Your not getting it.

So go simple and inaccurate AND dont put too much effort for more accurate system.

Thats what I am inferring.

I would rather them spend the effort on finishing this PvP nonsense so that maybe, possibly, assuming it doesn’t get canceled, we get OW2 at an earlier date. Don’t care if you feel you’re getting screwed out of 5-10 SR once in twenty games, I want PvE. The system is perfectly cromulent now, you just want to add extra delay for an unproven system that will likely work worse.

Im talking about this. Nothing about the system is based on “relative to your team” nor should it be

Forget about pbsr and focus on winning the match. you are too caught in pbsr when its only a minor factor


Fair enough. Maybe this is OW3 - Taleswapper asked for a better system, and I am answer that call.

The deeper issue is to really capitalize on the TEAM factor. Some of the really big issues right now and points of pain, they are stripping stats and just getting face value. This allows for a deeper issues like boosted accounts, smurfs, and people who contribute nothing to the game but the 5 of the 6 still win.

When to implement this - not sure, again, addressing a challenge.

Your getting warmer - and I wholly disagree. Because the ULTIMATE factor IS based on team relativity and thats a Win / Loss. THATS the issue. It STOPS RIGHT THERE. It SHOULD go deeper. BIG DATA should be capitalized and USED.

So “NOR SHOULD IT BE” means if your team wins but you did nothing, then yea it shouldnt be contributed to your SR. But IT IS. So Lucky, You are incorrect, there is SOMETHING about this system that is based on relative to the team and thats the wins and losses.

It does do this, it uses the data of everyone in your rank. Thats more data than using the stats from one match

Being the best on a bad team isnt enough for you to earn pbsr points, sorry man. you post about this all the time and its not what blizz wants from the game

Its not like they never thought of this, they have it how they want it


Doesn’t PBSR do this?


Current PBSR:
Widow plays a game. The average elims for Widow is 10 elims. You score 12 elims. You earn an extra 2 SR cause you out did everyone in your rank.

Relative System:
Widow plays a game. On map M, Widows tank does x damage, widows dps partner does y damage, support 1 does z healing, support 2 does “A” healing. The average elims for widow with variables of M,X,Y,Z,A is only … 5. You did 12 elims with those variables. You showed you how much “better” skilled YOU are.

Please just stop with this line… I’m answering a challenge. Dont give out challenge if you dont want the answer.


I dont have to do that, repeating the same topic is frowned on and against the rules if you do it too much

Please stop posting this. They have thought of this already its not a unique idea and you are spamming the topic


So I guess you missed the difference…

I’m in engaging with people who posts to the topic… How do I know they thought of this already??!

Its been posted many times before. The problem is you could pre arrange with the team to throw on alt accounts and artificially boost your own stats.

Going with the bigger sample of everyone in your rank is better. You only get pbsr that you truly deserve that way

You should worry less about pbsr in general too, its missing the point of comp. Worry about wins


Blizz does not want everyone obsessing over pbsr like you are doing. Thats why they dont tell us exactly how it works

Its a MINOR gain or loss based on performance relative to your rank. Comp is really about wins and losses with this system being just a minor component