The Effect These Mercy Changes Will Have Is Bad For Everyone

No, Mercy doesn’t get any “healing super powers”, all she gets in S3 are nerfs, nerfs and more nerfs.

A new support isn’t coming for 3 more months lol that’s a terrible excuse I’m sorry

Luckily the Dev Jared and Andy both said they will be monitoring her closely and listening to feedback on how she feels to play, and even Seagull said it was iffy, I expect at the very least a partial peel back of the CD nerf in the first 1-2 patches


Her healing having leech means she doesn’t need to skip combat to have self healing so that means she can take some hits during combat and heal it off. Not that you’d want to stay in LOS. But the did nerf her mobility and compensated her with more healing and more passive healing sustain during the midfight.

A bit you are forgetting is

  1. You are never healing a target with 1 HP realistically
  2. The moment that target is more than half health, it drops back to 45 HPS. So, it’s not 67 HPS. Someone did the math and it’s more like 56HPS from 1 to full. Which is vastly different. She essentially got a 5 HPS change and that doesn’t make up for gutting her overall playstyle.

Your own video you shared talks about this.


Hmmm not necessarily. Remember you have another healer with you. So if you are pocketing a tank for example you will do 67 hps while its under 50& health. You can also account the other supports healing and mercy herself can focus on low hp targets for that chunkier heal.

The noticable change is that guardian angel healing can go up to 90 hps with critical health now. So that being up on 4 targets nets you the average 240 to up to 360 hps. That’s like a weaker zenyatta ult while also healing with her leech.

So there are tradeoffs. Mercy becomes bulkier during the fight vs sustain and doesn’t need to hide as much and can even afford to body block sometimes depending on the heroes you are facing.

If we get supports that mitigate damage taken for example that would also make mercy pretty good with that sort of mitigation. The new supports have been mentioned to have new mechanics as well.

She also keeps the support passive so it’s actually like she got leech ontop of the old mercy passive.

Here’s what Skeitsti says at around the 3:40 minute mark in her video:

“I’m sorry but Deb’s take that Guardian Angel’s nerf is necessary is laughable is as nicely as I can put it. It’s about as laughable as Mercy getting 5 bullets. This is the one thing that Mercy players begged not to change. and they changed it in such a damaging way. Mercy uses GA most to peel for themselves and lowering the cool down lowers her survivability and makes her easier to kill. Some say lowering it’s cooldown increases her skill ceiling but I think that is incredibly lazy.” (Not exact but close enough)

Please take note this was said in the video you posted.
Outside of Valk, her extra healing does not give her that much more durability. Not the correct compensation of it atleast. Which is what most people are complaining about; Mercy was already extremely hard to kill in Valk and making her more tanky in that form seems worthless if the Hps can be negated by a oneshot. However, outside of ULT, she is WAAAAAAAAAY more vulnerable and makes it harder to heal allies.

and, again by the video you shared, all the overall changes imply it’s essentially a net nerf.

Other comments that were said in that video also follows:
“There’s no point in healing the tank once they are above %50 as you do not have the HPS to sustain them. Your playstyle from here is more likely to stick with squishier allies and healing them, switching between healing and Blue Beam which now is incentivized more from this new burst healing mechanic.”

It’s hard for me to try to argue any of the points you are making here when the video you shared already does that.

Just to be clear, it is NOT Guardian Angel that does this. It is her Valk, her ULT. Which a compensation for her ULT doesn’t make up for her overall playstyle she will have to be doing outside of ULT. She will have to hide and be more careful from now on because of this cooldown reduction and the extra healing she gets from healing damaged allies does not change this or give her enough/reliable damage mitigation.

Infact, she will be even more of a pocketing support that needs DPS support from this change.

EDIT for those still reading this:
Changes went through and, as expected, she pockets way better now. The new complaint, understandably, is her healing is TOO strong and it is understandable as to why. It most likely feels like she’s been buffed while being less fun. Which, this is ironic, she is stronger than ever and just isn’t as smart to play or as fun as she used to be.


The effects of OW2 existing have been bad for everyone so far, there is no scenario where they can buff any hero now thanks to 5v5. But hey this is what you guys wanted I guess?


Thankfully most of us can play lots of other heroes, but if your favorite is no longer viable or is fundamentally changed, why play? If the change is bad, and I continue to play, I sure as heck won’t be playing support. Guess everyone just gets to figure it out while I play dps. :joy:

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Huh. I hadn’t really put too much thought into Mercy but all of this makes a lot of sense…So my takeaway from this is that the devs just reinforced the Sojourn/Mercy meta even more while nerfing all of the other semi strong heroes?

Yeah, I’m sitting this season out.


this…also the same reason why underused hero have higher winrate due to their mains are the only one playing them. The amount of tryhards playing a meta hero just because they are meta without enough training or consideration that the hero gameplay might not be fitting for them. Sigh blizzard…

Not to mention they didn’t nerf Sojourn but instead buffed Soldier and Cassidy so that they can compete with her. Hitscan season for sure!

Also looks like Junk got shafted too…


Ya they need to remove the GA nerf and take my advice on the DB change that would make her more a triage support. The DB change I thought up was each 1 sec DB will charge the target for 3 seconds up to 9 seconds but with a less % of damage boosted say somewhere between 10-15%.

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that’s a pretty long list of words that just looks like you’ll have to learn how to heal the rest of the team instead of babysitting widow now. so sad.

Its a long list of words stating babying widow is even better now opposite of what you said lol.


so then its basically mercy nerf bad blah blah blah widow is still going to be babysat blah blah blah

so then basically nothing has changed. got it.

Correct. Nothing but enjoyment of playing Mercy has changed. She will still be meta and still be babysitting.


I think, I’ll play GTA5 again, and wait for D3 Season 28 in the mean time…

Unless they address this.

Also, another crappy patch and not nerfed sojourn? Another BP skipped and zero new skin bought for me.

I guess blizzard doesn’t want my money :woman_shrugging:


other supports are not fun for me…

If I do something and it is not fun, I need to be paid, since at this point it becomes a job.

Who is gonna pay me to play other support? You? Blizzard? Just stop, with this nonsense.


Take a look at the map pool too. It’s just gross.


thing is Mercy would need a full blown, Orisa-style rework to not encourage this style of play. Now she’s easier to punish and pin down since you do get to her, as opposed to bouncing to all corners of the map at mach 10. Mercy pocketing long range DPS is what makes her good, being extremely hard to kill is what made her annoying. Now she’s just as strong while being less annoying.

Good luck being Tracer or Winston or Genji trying to kill the pocket Sojourn or Widowmaker through Mercy’s 70 constant HPS

it was already extremely difficult to take out someone being pocketed by Mercy, which is why you go for the Mercy first. Now that task is much more manageable.