The Effect These Mercy Changes Will Have Is Bad For Everyone

I play all supports, I have 300+ hours on Ana and play her in GM. I can probably play every support better than you can. Doesn’t change the fact that Mercy is going to be very unfun now.

The Devs literally said on stream to give them feedback on this change today. Cope.


Are you? Post your Ana, Baptiste and Kiriko stats. Please do it and I will do my own. I’m 100% sure I am much better than you. I’ll be waiting for the pictures. I can also show you my rank.

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Cass and Soldier are literally ez mode DPS and both got buffs this patch, why would I not? :rofl: I was already playing Cass a ton in Season 2, the range nerf is gonna feel really good especially with the Widow HP nerf


Your overbuff shows you are plat and silver. You are objectively worse than me. lol.


Overbuff is not updated.

Funny because the patch notes also try to keep other DPS in line with her and make them not worthless picks. Soldier actually has more use by comparison.

Soujorn isn’t doing well in all ranks allegedly.
Lmao, sure.
Swear these Devs are playing an entirely different game.


Yours updated a month ago bae xx They fixed Overbuff last month to work for OW2

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I have been said this from the start. Why are we making SJ easier… There are videos on advance tips for every hero. I said they need to revert back to OW1 or they need to remove the GA charge meter altogether.

I’ll be waiting for yours.

This isn’t an argument for heroes being made less fun in a game. This isn’t even an argument at all.

This is basically you just drooling and spitting and screeching.


You literally just showed that you’re in diamond, that’s still entire ranks beneath me :sob: Our hero stats do not matter when I am playing in GM and you are playing in diamond/plat LOL


Wait, are you blind? Did you just see the links I provided? Please show me yours stats and your elo.

Stilll waiting. Link of images or you’re automatically trash. I’ve seen you bashing people’s rank before. It’s time you get a little taste of your own medicine.


I dont think they are done with Mercy. I think tweaks will come next patch if they are smart that helps with clunkiness, and in the future they are going to continue to rebuild her kit. I think she is going to feel bad for a bit but she looks pretty unfinished and how they have been treating hog it looks like they are slowly updating heroes so they are healthy in the long run and fun and impactful. I’m trying to think positively but the heal and passive are pretty cool changes but the clunkiness is going to overshadow that.

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Oh for sure, Andy and Jared said on stream to give feedback and that they will monitor her closely the first week or so

I think we can expect at least a roll down to 2 sec GA nerf in the first patch of the season. Personally I’d like to test her with 1.8 sec CD

But yeah, I think overall they are going in a good-ish direction with her. The goal of making her a more active and complex teamwide support hero is good. The CD nerf just kind of removes that possibility entirely right now lol


Yaa honestly I’m lowkey excited. I don’t think it will be fun for now haha but I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store. I can kinda start to see the pieces coming together. Also agreed I would like to try 1.8 and small changes to interactions with other parts of her kit.

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They will probably revert it. A second more on GA will feel awful though.

There’s a lot that’s probably going to need to be tweaked and is weird.

For one, I want to see how her durability is going to start looking. A video of the new changes already shows a theoretical that, in Valk, Mercy healing her entire team when they are below half out heals standing in the full DPS of Ashe’s Bob Ult. This also probably means she can even tank a Soldier Ult. Now that theoretical doesn’t mean a lot BUT it does imply you definitely are never killing her in Valk now.

We still don’t know how her pocketing now will be influenced but I can only imagine healing in the middle of being flanked while pocketing a good DPS. Who knows, but it all seems contradictory and confusing.

Wait, you did all that (telling Aurora to learn how to play other heroes) a few minutes ago - just to agree ? The changes to GA indeed looks, feel and objectively awful

I would be honestly ok if everything went through outside the GA cooldown nerf. However, seeing how people complained about everything in Mercy’s kit from Res, Damage Boost, Heal-Bot, and now GA there is no pleasing the crowd.

Watch, once Mercy mains get used to these changes, people are going to complain about her still feeling unkillable, but instead of the movement, it is going to be due to her “regen” which good Mercy players, BEEN DONE THIS METHOD when valk was introduced.

Overall, I like what they are trying to do with Mercy, but the one thing many have stated is that touch GA is a big no.


They’ve already done this to several other heroes. They have no idea why people like these characters, they are just balancing based on numbers in a spreadsheet that they half-understand.