So looks like no fix tonight

i understand that completely, but lets be honest
venting here probably aint doing much. I would go and sit down with a cup of something and relax

This is some what insensitive and ignorant. It is never because of a game or any other final straw. It is about other things.

People cope with depression in many different ways. If that coping mechanism isn’t available it becomes all but impossible to fully manage it.

Before you type next time please take a moment to consider empathy.


Lol, posting something like they did on a public forum can also be triggering for someone in the same position. And saying it so flippantly is insensitive.

We all have our issues, but coming onto a discussion forum and telling everyone you thought of self-harm and breaking your own property is not it.

We both know you didn’t say what you did because you were thinking of others. But rather because you felt uncomfortable about someone expressing themselves in a way that was not harmful to anyone else but was honest to how they felt.

Your response here is projecting hard and you perhaps need to sit back and think about where your mind is at.

Because you clearly don’t understand the difference between a trigger and an underlying cause.


And here i thought first time user experience would never effect me. xD I’m still holding out for a fix in the next few hours. I can’t imagine it’s that complicated of an issue. Like, maybe they’ll just remove the first time hero locks altogether, hahaha

that is assuming thats the issue

Good to hear they’re still working on it. Figured people would be going home earlier this week with all the OT they put in laat week. Guess their dedication knows no bounds.

Or the higher ups are getting worried about this disastrous launch and the impact on the bottom line, and are authorizing, or ordering, some serious OT.

I didn’t know this was a thing. I loaded up the game ready to play my main only to see they were locked. I didn’t know it was a bug at first and was so mad they were locking old heroes behind the battle pass

Think of it as the “founders” patch.

its to cold outside and also dont like being out when its dark (i get paranoid)

Rage inducing when you can’t pick counters. Very very VERY frustrating.

If you are being genuine I strongly recommend doing something else for a while

Don’t do that man, seriously.

For Cruds sake Blizzard, FIX YOUR DAGGON game.

I still don’t have any of my cosmetics :confused: I’ve been in the account merge queue for 4 days, is there anything I can do or do I just have to wait

Contacting support won’t work, this is a global issue within Blizzard & Overwatch themselves. Only option is to wait sadly till they fix it.

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You make it sound like they should break other peoples property instead.

They’re actively working on it per message during login

You should get some help. I mean seriously you need to talk to a therapist or something.


like ive never had such a super bad night its got me down in the dumps im normally in a better mood