So looks like no fix tonight

Enjoy being able to only access a third of the characters. Roughly. :frowning:

This is getting a tad ridiculous, Blizzard.

Edit: They were able to get a fix in a few hours after this post. Good work there.

Still ridiculous these things keep happening. We (Blizzard and the players) could certainly use a break from launch disasters.


source? has there been a dev post or anything on this issue at all even?

Nope. Blizzard CS on twitter has been asking people to try relogging for the past few hours. :rofl:


They said there would be an update today, it’s 7pm PST. They’re clearly working late so I think it will arrive in the next few hours.

Lol did that like 30 times

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I say let it like that for three years then release Overwatch 3.


my only guess is that after maintanence everyone went home
sucks but we cant do much

ive came lit4erally close to hurting myself tonight and likely breaking a laptop because of the games code


I’m just going to assume they say that because of the time. The people who can fix it might not be working. I’m not saying it wont happen but I’m keeping my expectations low lol.

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What update? Isn’t the hero lock thing THE RESULT of said update? there was an update 3hours ago, they fixed some bugs and removed bastion.

After that we all have are heroes locked.


Yup. That’s the update that broke it…

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Whoa, take a break, go outside and get some air.

I’m sorry, but you sound ridiculous. Hurting yourself and breaking your own property because of a game?

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Which sucks because they should verify they didn’t screw it up before leaving. Their track record has been trash so far.

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Well if it makes anyone feel better, they know about it and are working on a fix, according to this thread


I feel ya, I feel ya
but if you told me that pulling bastion out and locking torb from most modes would break the game like this I would call you insane

I’m not talking about a patch, I mean a community update.

With how code works, it can be the most minor thing that causes catastrophe :grimacing:

for all we know, someone could of literally hit the spacebar one to many times
like yes this sucks so much, but at the end of the day…may as well go do something else and not get a headache over it, right?

I understand where you’re coming from, and it’s reasonable.

I guess I’m past the point of being patient with them lol