Nope. Genji only has 1 dash unless he gets a kill within 1.5 seconds.
Tracer has only 3 Blinks, all of which are shorter than Zeratul’s and can’t go over terrain, and an extremely conditional Recall.
As I covered in that thread:
All of Zeratul’s teleports can also cross terrain, something else he has over Tracer.
This is why the perception of Overwatch “hYpEr MoBiLiTy!!1!” is so laughable to me. Zeratul is way more mobile than OW heroes, but still slips under the radar simply because he isn’t an OW hero and people don’t pay attention to him, either out of ignorance and negligence (they simply don’t realize the double-standard) or disingenuity (they see the double-standard but don’t care because their gripe is less with mobility and more with OW heroes existing at all).