I like the slow on Spiders, it gives Naz access to some form of CC other than his Zombie Wall. I don’t think the slow should be baseline though, it should be awarded on completion of the quest and the slow amount perhaps halved.
I think Naz is fine and doesn’t need nerfs tbh.
Spider jar is one of the slowest moving skillshots in game, the only skillshot that loses damage by hitting more than one enemy, and one of the few abilities that can be countered AFTER it hits by simply running/jumping/dashing/porting/vanishing/etc. away from it. Stand next to a minion, go behind your gate. Even the smallest amount of distance you put between yourself and the spiders will lessen the damage because they have a fixed duration and attack speed that does not scale. They also don’t gain benefit from auras like the alterac riders, annoyingly, where other skillshots do.
I agree, and it’s also DOT damage, not burst, so if you have a healer or support you have time to heal it. I think some of the problem with Naz is people forget he’s actually an assassin, not just a pusher.