Zebra Hero Concept

I like Zebras, and it’s about time we got a zebra hero.

Z- Run of the Zebra
After not being in combat for 2 seconds, gain 20% movespeed.
Q-Zebra Charge Mana-40 CD-8 secs
Charge forward, dealing damage and pushing back all enemies in its area
W-Whinny Mana-65 CD-10 secs
Shot duration self heal
E-Hoof Stomp Mana-30 CD-4 secs
AoE damage attack that slows
R1-Sprint Mana-70 CD-20 secs
Activate to get 50% movespeed for 3 seconds.
R2-Valiant Charge Mana-75 CD-6p secs
Charge at a hero, stunning them for 3 seconds. Basic attacks against them deal 100% bonus damage.


Just make an african skin for Lunara where her lower body is a zebra.


A skin for Lunara?


But not zebra enough.

We need a full hero.

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Here some fanart

from Imgflip Meme Generator


As a skin, yeah, but as a hero, that seems pointless. There’s no such hero in the Blizzard universe.

I like zebras, that’s why.

You can copy paste it onto a WoW centaur or anything.

oh god, the furries are invading. -_-


pfft. I want a LION hero. :angry:

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He should accept Odin!

I’m no furry your avatar is lili for crying out loud.

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Get outta here with that. The furries have been here! You are way too late to this fur party!

OP I’m not big into zebras but I’d play one if they made it a hero :+1:

Give me a dinosaur first. Then you can have zebra

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Chen, Li Li, Lunara, E.T.C, Misha, Greymane and Rehgar want to have a word with you.


We have dehakasaurus rex for that already. There is even a carbot episode about it.


Download zebra simulator?

We don’t need a zebra Hero. You want one, but it would be a waste of time.

Not Heroes of the Storm enough.
There are no zebra units or characters.

(Also, most of your kit idea is basically Lúcio, lol. Movespeed? “Charge”? Knockback? (Self)Heal?)


I just thought it could be cool.

We can still copy paste this onto anything.

There’s a Zebra Sim game?