Ysera the Dreamer

Look you already added in Alex and DW and Chromie - y’all love them dragons. Besides that, you could do an awesome support hero with Ysera. Give her poison abilities, and the accumulating damage can be used as a clutch heal in a manner similar to Medivh’s ability to shield allies. The poison can be not the same strength as, say, lunara, gul’dan, qhira “bleed, I know” but maybe it would effect the target for a greater length of time, giving her a decent ability to sustain consistent aggravation on the enemy team. As for skins right off the bat, you can make the first set of new skins Nightmare themed, obviously you guys have already done that for a few characters. The next set could be reborn themed, and follow up with designs from ardenweald. Obviously if you guys go for this I want, like, one whole free loot box. ONE WHOLE ONE - not a HALF one, or a quarter of one, but an ENTIRE loot box.

I’d also love to see Ysera in the game! Since Deathwing is a Bruiser and Alexstrasza is a Healer, I think Ysera should fulfill the role of main tank, tossing in some extra healing and support capabilities to really bring a new mixture into the game. I made a concept for a Tank Ysera with health gated transformations, found here: [HC] Ysera, the Dreamer

In my design, I think it would be necessary to incorporate healing, nature, and sleep into the design. With Ysera as the tank, a full dragon team could very well be possible in theory, which I always like to see work out.

A nightmare skin would be a pretty solid and flavorful first skin. The other one I think would be cool would be a rot themed one similar to the Drust aesthetic (similar in origin but different in look to the nightmare), or an underwater coral dragon skin.

Since we have Alexstrasza. It makes sense to have another hot thicc dragon in the nexus.


yea I agree I like as s we need more as s

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