Lane freezing is now much more effective than it was previously, because it forces your opponent to go out much further than they previously needed to. Before this change, you could collect XP from around the range of a standard ranged autoattack, or further away if you had long-ranged waveclear like Flamestrike. You’d be more susceptible to ganks, but not forced to constantly trade health for XP in a 1v1 lane, unless the other laner puts themselves way out of position.
Bold claim. Care to prove it? Because as far as I can tell, people’s overall skill level hasn’t changed, nor has the game’s overall difficulty. If anything, the game is easier to play than ever; just pick bruisers and lane bullies every game, get a couple of easy early kills, and watch the wins roll in.
And when everyone starts playing bruisers and lane bullies every game, the difficulty will be exactly the same as before, except with more snowballs, a less diverse meta, and less fun.
So every stage of the game is important, and the winning team needs to actually outplay the losing team if they want to seal their victory? That sounds like a good thing to me. We should be encouraging that, not tearing it down with crap like XP globes.
In the words of HotS’ own developers: