Your favorite combos/tricks?

Personally I always get a kick out of gorge+medivh portal

Cursed bullet + immediate last rites is also super fun if you have the team coordination to focus the targets hp during/1.5s after last rites animation to ensure the kill.

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as a Nova main. securing kills is my speciality! specially at 16 where i finally get armor reduction to my W. but to secure kills with it and precision strike you never use W first since the armor reduction will fade before your ult hits the target! the trick is to use your ult then W asap that way the ult deals more damage combining with anti armor shells at level 7 that’s 100% dead target and if it was a bruiser or a tank target with high health then add a Q to that and their health will literally drain to nothing.

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Abathur + anything.

He makes everything better and makes people complain. Abathur is salt incarnated.

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Abathur + Dehaka is very good.
The map, which is suitable for Dehaka, is also good for aba. The exp advantage is very noticeable.
Also, Soma Transference + Hero Stalker + Symbiosis = an unkillable space dinosaur

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While we are at being unkillable, W Uther + Malganis. Enjoy playing against tanky Illidan with permanent armor lol. One of the more broken duos atm.

Controversial, but I like Illidan + antiarmor Nova. More dmg/selfsustain for Illi and great macro potential for Hunt and Precision Strike.

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Divine Shield + Sanc Tyrael. Guaranteed tower shot every objective.

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Anduin using leap of faith anything

Murky/Nova ults combo
Alarak/Garrosh replacement tricks
Uther ulting DB genji
Tracer/Aba with movespeed buff at lvl16

My favorites :blush:

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Arthas or Garrosh with Zarya’s Speed Barrier is a nightmare to deal with.

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Auriel is the usual chogall go to heal but I personally prefer ana

The pull/nether combo on a team while chogall is nanoboosted? Never seen so many hero ragdolls flying this way and that in such a short time

Late game murk+aba is the terror of QM

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Anduin Lightbomb on a charging Butcher


I think either a frontline like Diablo/Blaze or the Butcher with Whitemane or Tyrande. I like Butcher + Tyrande because of the CC stack/hunter’s mark on a fresh meat target.

I don’t get to do this often but I absolutely love body-blocking enemies from escaping out of tight spaces with Glacial Spike.


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