You can still reach Trust Level 3 after getting banned on the forums

The rules are kinda changed here, well for acquiring trust level 3 you seem to require less than 20k posts read.

But thanks for the info, as far as I know, all of them will effect your trust level by losing some according to the Discourse Documents.

I’ll update the thread to address these more properly.

So, uh, where did you get the emojie’s from

How did I import all of these emojis from one place to another?

I downloaded them all.

Then actually renamed each one based on what their shortcuts are in the original game, then uploaded them to

Hard work pays off am I right?


clickable emojis, kek.

Look at what you did, now there’s gonna be numbers right next to Probius.

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Insert your image in <img src="[img link]" height=36> Problem solved.


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Unclickable! congrats for taking the first step in html, more info at HTML Tutorial

oh no


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Here’s hoping I’m in the next wave of upgrades. ^.^

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why does this forum incorrectly use the word suspended. suspended means temporary. permanent is permanent…which means a ban…not a suspension.


So when do trust levels actually update?

I feel like there should have been an update by now, the Trust Level 3 count is still 100 users.

I have no clue honestly.

I put in a ticket, the user count went to 101 so someone else was granted it.

I will see what support says.

they mean nothing there are people that go around flagging things they don’t like I got such a harasser following me. im on like 6 “silences” now and the only thing I say is blizzard should remove the ban bot that is heavily abused.

again im being flagged constantly for that line because ive seen it in an umber of games and my group of friends have too. youtube comments reddit plenty of places have made notes of it and yes it is a cancer. after diablo immortal my entrie group of friends got depressed knowing blizzard is just gone at this point.

im reinstalling wonder if ill get banned for muting the chat the sheer boredom of losing so many games to these ban bots is aids ebola and cancer again im muting the chat not pings ect unless the jerk is spaming it so a refusal to communicate would be bullsh*t since i will see those and use those pings.

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another INFERIOR system that blizzard didn’t need to bother with. LOL its like they don’t care they are losing market share and stocks are sliding daily!