Xul summons also xul is boring

Changing their behaviour to Arthas ghouls is already a lot, or even better, make them surround Xul. All those skillshots blocked D:
Changing 4 skeles into 1 skele with 4xstats is also much better (talent that turns all skeles into 1 golem).

You can buff them without buff (numbers at least). I dont really understand why they keep him in this weird state.


Tyrael would like a word.

Tyraelā€™s trait is bad but at least it always activates.

Probably should re-phrase that. I think itā€™s bannable on the forum.

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Why pick xul when a plethora of other offlaners do the same thing but better?

Double soak? Mmk Yrel with mount talent can out soak Xul, so can Malthael, Sonya can keep up, etc etc etc.

What do these offlaners have that Xul doesnt? they can solo bruiser camps pre-13. Xul canā€™t do that without pretapping depending on the bruiser camp.

Considering heā€™s not good at taking camps until so late in the game that the camps really donā€™t get a ton of value I have zero idea why youā€™d draft Xul outside of some uther Xul main tank cheese.

Because of bone Prison plus DW firebreath.

If the enemy healer has cleanse or is Anduin it doesnā€™t matter. If DW makes it through draft and you see Xul coming up you can pick a plethora of healers to completely shut that thought down.

What Xul needs IMO is two things-
A bone armor globe quest ala blaze that gives him unstoppable when using bone armor.

He needs to be able to click his trait to absorb his skeletons into his bone armor to increase itā€™s size.

But during team fights you wonā€™t have any skeletons to absorb.

long ago i was asking for blizzard to have xul be able to summon some skeltons on his tarit with a cd of course that can be lowered when fighting minions in a wave so he can build it back up when he leaves the lane to fight at obj.

DOTA 2 beat blizzard to that bunch with the wraith king in dota 2 pisses me off, makes me want to move to dota 2 at times.

I donā€™t think he 's poorly designed he needs to do more damage and His trait needs a massive buff. give the skeletons more health and buff their damage, also he needs to be able to summon more baseline. why pick him when you can pick azmodan or zagara who can do his job far better. His damage and sustain needs to be buff.

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I like Xul, but his trait is beyond bad. I would like to see his skeletons have a little more health and the death timer removed from them, this would also make Tragā€™Oulā€™s essence more viable.

I would also like to see the spawn time on the Scythe reduced, or make its spawn location invisible to enemy players. The thing is one of the easiest abilities in the game to dodge.

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Heā€™s strong 1v1 against another melee DPS, Iā€™ll give him that. Unfortunately weā€™re playing a game that revolves around team fighting over map objectives. For a bruiser, xul is exceptionally squishy when he doesnt have his shield up. Walking into the middle of a 5v5 teamfight usually makes him a free kill for the enemy almost every time. Xul has 0 escape or gap closer, and his snare has the targeting distance just a hair further than melee range.

Is it impossible to be a good xul player? No, I occasionally like to dabble in a little masochism and enjoy playing xul in QM. The question is why play a gimped hero when you can play another hero who does his job better AND does more?

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His entire kit and concept was based around him having a scythe, but thereā€™s way too much focus on that and not on the actual Necromancer.

He has no real summons, no curse spells, no corpse explosion, justā€¦ nothing. Heā€™s barebones concept wise.

Poison Nova, Bone Prison, and Bone Spear are the only parts of his kit that currently feel right, everything else is off. He shouldnā€™t be a melee hero. He needs to be like an actual Necro and fight at a distance. Give him stuff like Decrepify, Weaken, and Iron Maiden. Give him summons that accompany him and do actual damage, corpses that he can use to either raise dead or explode for damage, more bone spells like Teeth or Bone Wall. Or even D3 spells like Dark Simulacrum

He just falls flat in design. at least by Necromancer standards

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