Xul summons also xul is boring

xul is a boring necromancer.

xul is boring and his summons are limited and all his summons take damage rather than having a duration, on a certain max of skeleton so why not make it so he can summon like 4 of them off his trait just be clicking his trait.

also the lvl 7 talent pick trag’oul essence should work with his lvl 10 skelton mages as well as lvl 20 kalans edict i don’t see a issue with this due to his skeltons warriors dieing to most aoe in 1 hit and his mages 2 or 3 hits on top of them taking periodic damage as well.

andariel’s visage should be 1% damage hp for xul poison nova like it use to be again i prefer that rather than skeleton damage on andariel’s visage, move the skeltons damage to the skeleton department blizzard like kalans edict.

make xuls talent picks more fun they dont feel fun.


Xul is probably one of the worst designed heroes in the game. laughable trait, laughable abilities. He’s essentially just a root, a cleave, and an ult.

Literally all he does, goes out to wave clear, runs into team fight to root and pop his ult. That is 100% of Xul’s gameplay.

His passive does nothing. It creates a mega weak melee minion that is paper and has no use outside of lane.

Q is incredibly underwhelming.

his W is just a basic attack enhancer. Like wow, cool. Xul can cleave now. Well so can leoric and that isn’t even a trait. It’s just freaking baked into his kit. That’s what’s so funny about it. leo gets a cleave too and it’s not even counted as anything.

his E is his most impactful ability, at least during a team fight. There’s no real wow factor with it though. Just a point and click that you either can get in range for or not.

Both of his ults are pretty good though.


Xul was designed around soaking ammo via his summons, but that mechanic was taken out years ago and he was never compensated for it. That’s why he looks so out of place now.


I think Xul is an outstanding candidate for the Varian treatment. At level 4 you should choose between Mojomancer (curse oriented), Bonemancer (damage spells oriented), or Summoner. Either that, or they should make him entirely curse oriented, in my opinion: so much incredible potential as a team fighting specialist.

I like the concept of Xul but he needs a re-work more than Tassadar. /runs away


I like Xul and play xul quite a bit dun change him please thanks

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What do you mean don’t change him. he’s literally terrible. Guess what, there’s a better Xul in the game… his name is Ragnaros.


You can’t compare the two. As Bomdanil said, Xul was designed for a different Nexus, one with ammo. Complaints that his build path is too linear is fair, he really only has W build with maybe bone spear.

You did however compare him to Ragnaros. Xul has a hard CC root in his main kit. Rag doesn’t have any hard cc at all except in his Sulfurs Smash ult (also in Molten Core for 1.5), which isn’t even a 1 second stun. They are both good at wave clear, Rag is better at clearing if you take Lava Wave, but sacrificing your team fight ult.

I agree Xul needs an update, but he’s not terrible and not comparable to Ragnaros, both have strengths and weakness in their kits.

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And an attack speed slow.
He has one (can talent into a second) damage skillshot that passes through all units.
He can enable fighting under towers.
His root is strong due to high duration.
He can talent into heal reduction.

I picked him in ranked on Tomb of the spider queen and sport 100 % winrate with him.


I have to agree with bubblez on this one.
Just play Arthas and you also can fight under towers and have a nice root. his heal reduction comes after 20 and thats way to late.

Infernal shrines he can be pick worthy and maybe tomb but the rest is not that great for xul


This. Can xul be pushed to the top of the list to be reworked next please


Well, xul is one of the strongest anti-melee picks (high aoe melee dps, selfhealing and debuff). He’s also one of the most efficient dual-laners (clears fast and is hard to ambush). And he also has a point and click setup for a blowup in his roots. Not having cleanse vs xul is tough.
So saying he’s “weak” is weird.

Boring? Maybe. Weak? No.


Xul is best tank, don’t @ me.

I think his trait is fine as it is now, but they could increase the number of skels you get. 4 is just a little, maybe could increase it to 7 to match a minion wave. Maybe more :eyes:

I think Q build is fine, W is definitely fine, but the skel build could receive some buffs/changes.

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7 sounds a bit too much. I would like if they had a leash range and would follow him around when he leaves the lane.


That could also work.

I think 7 is fine because they usually die so fast. 4 usually don’t do much, I doubt 7 would.

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Xul is really good hero, but he is terrible representation of necromancer.


Rag is absolute trash lmao

It’s true , he was better on release but his rework converted him into a one dimensional character that with one viable build against only melee heavy teams with no hard CC.
I made a thread about this once

They should just revert the changes they made a long time ago and let him be more like he was at release.

The summoning build was so much fun i loved Xul before they crushed his summon build in favor of his stupid scythe builds. He was one of my favorite heroes before they gutted him. I haven’t played him in ages now because it pissed me off so much that they moved away from summoning on a NECROMANCER in favor of his stupid scythe.

You must have forgotten how broken Xul was on release. His skeletons had to be nerfed a million times.

I’m probably wrong but I still find his ability to add extra tower soak to be potent considering he can slap all three (towers + gate) with the cleave and cooldown talent.

I do agree however that he seems a little too easily pigeonholed into W build, it’s practically his only consistently viable build.
He still has a solid place as an alternative to blinds as he can dumpster AA-oriented damage potential with the appropriate talent and I don’t think anyone else has quite that potential. Muradin and Arthas are two of the other AS lowers I can think, but theirs don’t hit potentially 75%.

I do think his summons could use touchups but if they didn’t get it and he was adjusted elsewhere it wouldn’t be the end of the world or anything.