XP globe changes need to be rolled back

  • Players don’t understand it
  • A lot of heroes can clear waves but can’t soak the XP, harming the whole team
  • Matches are loopsided, it’s decades ago that I saw masses of 3-5 level difference games
  • Match balance lifes from ranged characters who can soak with not being out of position in the eyes of the enemy team
  • There is no reason to change a core mechanic which wasn’t problematic
  • The range of the globes is way to small and also it’s bugged if they follow or not, there is a reason why you can collect XP in LoL and not being in oneshoot range

Overall just a terrible change nobody asked for. And since the new dragon (especially the size and the perma unstoppable) is rounding up this developer clowfiesta I just wish that this patch doesn’t exist at all.


Gotta agree with that “There is no reason to change a core mechanic which wasn’t problematic”.
Also Abathur got much more boring than usual and i loved to play him for his variety complex (could agree or disagree) of playstyles but now it seems that hat build is the only viable build in this patch.
Maybe i’m just being a salty Abathur player.


I totally agree with you. The exp changes have nerfed a lot of characters into the ground. Blizzard changed a core mechanic of the game and didnt even bother to balance characters around this change. Now a lot of ranged characters are a liability to team comps. Its all about bruisers bulling lanes leading to lopsided snowball matches. GG Blizzard.


People not knowing that exp is a vital currency and the game artificially making losers able to ignore xp because dumb xp changes are issues though.

People shouldn’t ignore xp or they should get rolled with a 3 level deficit.
Lots of people didn’t want the xp changes before the globes either.

It would be time that handholding should be lessened in this game, maybe not through the xp globes but i think the devs do hold onto something.


I absolutely hate this new xp system, some dev had a massive brainfart and decided to ruin a complete game by a single rework, love it! Makes me not even want to play anymore.


It’s almost a week playing with this Nexus anomaly now, and it’s pretty bad… A lot of games I see my team getting behind exp because they don’t collect the globes… Any ranged hero can’t collect any globe, because he nees to put himself at risk, just to get exp, you need to step closer to them, and in that way, bruisers assassins or any other hero can punish you really easily ! It’s almost inpossible to soak EXP with range heroes that got no escape abilities.

Plus, what I found the most dumb of all is the fact that if you kill the minion, You don’t get the exp !! Dude, I’m last hitting the minion and no exp, that’s particularly bad if you are retrating and cleaning minions on the way, that exp is totally lost ! Playing as gul dan sometimes I use a Q and the globes stand there all across the lane, and if I dare to collect them, I’ll get ganked, focused and bursted… It’s not fun at all !

Plus Azmodan can’t double soak lanes anymore… Why Lava Wave and Symbiont get the exp globes, but the Lieutenants of Azmodan don’t ? Azmodan’s “D” and “W” was suposed to be a good tool for double soaking… Same goes for Abathur’s locusts… Why they don’t get exp ?

The worst of all is the Lost Vikings, these guys are doomed ! 2 of them are ranged, and I already said how ranged heroes can’t quite get exp globes without dieing, but Erik and Baelog, they sure will die ! So the new way to play them is with all of three heroes in the same lane, otherwise you won’t get any exp… That’s breaking the character and all the fun of playing with it !

Again, this could be fixed if:

  • Globes were imediately collected if you last hit a minion.
  • Summoned creatures such as Locusts, Lieutenants, Ultralisks, Skeletons, can collect exp globes
  • Exp globes are collect by all nearby heroes of the same team, much like Regeneration Globes, but the exp amount is divided by them. (This way The Lost Vikings can actually help soak exp with a partner)
  • And maybe increase the collect range from 6 to 10 or 8, (because 6 is the limit from a ranged attack, and that’s is pretty bad !)
  • Or remove this feature foreve, because it’s pretty unbalanced rigth now !

Then let them learn.

Put someone a bit more durable up front and profit. If the whole team are comprised of those that can’t work together, they deserve to lose.

It means they got outplayed.

This is not a restaurant where you can order anything you want. It’s their game. And they can do anything they believe that would evolve it.

Now that’s more fitting.

High chance that’s intentional. Instead of whining, how about you people try out new tactics, heroes, cooperate with your teammates, etc… Like, adapting to changes. Rather than instant locking a ranged assassin?


They won’t.
That’s why they’re here spamming complaint threads and exaggerating on the impact it has.


If those changes are bad for the game, then no they shouldn’t do it.

This is the worst argument for these changes. “Just adapt LOL” can be used to justify anything they change about the game. And even if players did adapt to them, they’re still bad.


I’ve noticed it’s moslty noobs who hate they changes


Just uninstall until they revert them if you don’t like them, that’s the best way to force them to.

Totaly agree with.you and.like your thinking and i.like so much your smart questions!.
You cheer up me man. :slight_smile:
Because i m NOT vs this.new anomalyes.!

Many times i did.read.so many complains " how players not soaking better"…and now.when we are.forced.to collect.or run around minions or be like “assist of minions”… or we are forced to be close to minions…

Man…i cant anymore with this our " young human kind"… honestly…
WTF you want to the end?!?!?

I did read so.many complain topics,replys …“How Chromie with his long range is almost unkilllble”(high safe) …
a now…" Range heroes are high risk be killed,because are forced to.lose his high safe posicions"…

Many times i did statement …this HoTS player base is half trash .
Why you think cant astimate without worng way?!?!?!
And im 100% sure this my question will be ignored from high % from this half trash /so good player base!. :slight_smile:

I will ask you one more time “community”…

WTF you want to the end?!??

I’ve been playing for several years now and the changes suck and are particularly bad in QM (aka the most played PVP mode). In a draft you can adjust drafting strategy to account for the small number of bruisers that are the only safe choices in lanes anymore but you don’t have that luxury in QM without playing as a full group of 5 (before you say “so play a draft mode” most of the player base doesn’t like drafting so something negatively impacting QM is a big problem). The severe hit to ranged assassin viability in lane impacts roughly one third of the roster and you can’t count on only a small number of players selecting a hero from a list that comprises roughly one third of this game’s roster.


That’s your subjective opinion.

Then they haven’t adapted at all.

But you do. Just pick a tank/bruiser.

Aka, the low skilled players that only play ranged assassin. It’s possible that the change was aimed at those to push them out of their comfort zone and try out more classes.


I hate playing tank and bruiser. I always have. If it is what my team needs in draft I will. As a flex player I can, but I don’t enjoy it. That’s why roles exist in the first place, because different people have different play styles and enjoy different things. How is alienating all but 2 roles/playstyles good for the game? How is being forced into a bruiser role fun when you just don’t feel like playing a bruiser?


I’ve been playing for years as well and I don’t see any problems

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Can’t agree more. Tank and Bruiser is my major and yet I hate how the rangers even melee assistant act in this game. Stupid system without enough thinking.

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I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you are one of those people that hate Aba thinking he is OP despite his sub 50% win rate in anything but the highest levels of play? I suspect you mostly play bruisers/tanks/melee assassins? Honestly, those types of players are the only ones that seem happy with the changes.

I’m curious, what about the changes do you like? You are entitled to your opinion, I just want to understand it better because all I see are negatives and you are one of the few people that seem to like it.


When people win they don’t think. I win this in some cases but I hate it because it’s stupid and without enough thinking. This system only makes the winner more powerful and when you’re the one losing, it’s almost impossible to turn the table.

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Abas my highest level hero in the game and is still sort of my main.
I find xp soaking more fun now it feels less passive.

Also if u get to a lane a little late for double soaking the globes still linger for a short while, which is nice