Wtf is this forum

why can’t we bump a topic? it says “Please wait for other users to participate before replying” everytime

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the fact that you can’t self bump topics makes up for the fact that you can no longer down vote. I am happy with that trade.

if your topic didn’t take off it’s because nobody wanted it.


If bumping does not work go to your history,copy the text and just post a new topic.

Which is against the forum rules and can get you banned from the forums.


shuuuu. Let natural selection take over.


If this single line were the only contents of the Please Read thread, that would be fine.


which is completely stupid, it’s not our fault if we can’t bump a topic

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So we can see other threads to shine, if someone is really interested he may reply, if not, well to bad.

Bumping threads has ALWAYS been against the forum rules… even on the old forums where it was a possibility.


i don’t think it’s really fair there are just some times when you would like to see a topic get noticed and banning it outright doesn’t feel necessary

have they announced anything about the matchmaking at the blizzcon? or will we still face premades when queueing solo? and let’s not forget ranks since a gm can play with/against bronze players…

This is what they announced in Blizzcon

no improvement then, do we know why? are they lazy?

I just got that message “Please wait for other users to participate before replying”
it’s really annoying. I wasn’t trying to bump anything. Made a topic then checked an hour later and there was two replies. Both of them were questions so I wanted to answer them but when I tried to post a reply to the second one, I got that message. I just can’t answer their question on an hour old topic.

because if no one has responded, it clearly is a dead topic.

Now, I do think some topics should allow bumps. Most notably “PSAs” (which really should be things Blizzard should post on the forums pinned…) such as the recent one I posted which got almost no replies about Random Favorites not working properly.

But if you have practically any other kind of post, a bump is an attempt to create discussion where non exists.

Oh, and the post in question:

Best feature of new forum.

I hate attention ******.


You should be able to reply to topics without bumping them. Not sure why so much forum software leaves out that possibility.

I dislike it immensely:

Personally I prefer to reply to different people’s posts in different posts, instead of having a wall of text, as it helps maintain structure and context within each reply and continues a discussion between two people more orderly.

With the current format, this is no longer a possibility, leading to replies within threads becoming walls-of-text, thoughts (sadly) getting scrambled and some people unfortunately getting lost when attempting to follow a discussion.

The trade-off for this? People not being able to bump a post. It really does not seem a worthwhile trade.

I figured out a workaround to reply and it won’t actually bump.
If you were able to reply to one person, you can just edit that to include a response to another person inserting a quote from their post and your response.

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