Wow @ MM, Grouped Diamond vs gold/plat and no SL players

The opposite is the case. You try to explain me why the system makes sense, while the world in which a high ELO player plays like a low ELO player only because healers are missing or sustain is better just doesn’t exist. High ELO players even understand this aspect of the gamer better than low ELO players, not speaking about map awareness and mechanics. A group of high ELO players even multiplies this effect.

Also those specific QM issue have nothing to do with matchmaking and ELO. The only fact there is that Blizzard tries to maintain 3 different MMRs without smurf queues or similar protection measures.

It’s a fact. Things that were promised to this game like e.g. smurf protection, group balancing, lose forgivingness just to mention 3 were never implemented at all or in a insufficient way. Riot has solutions since ages even though it’s not perfect.

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calling something a ‘fact’ doesn’t undercut what I pointed out about the issue at hand.

When I said you’re trying to rationalize away understanding the system, you just plopped out another reply to reject things you don’t want to accept, despite being ‘facts’ (in some cases). If you wanted to convey the ‘opposite’ of the case, then you shouldn’t be replying with a demonstration of the concern manifest.

“those qm issues have nothing to do with matching”

there have everything to do with the matching – matching has goals to keep – that create difference experiences between the different modes. If the experience is different, then the effect of mmr is going to also be different (winning in one case, losing in a nother) which is why mmr deviates in the first place. If a system based on evaluating wins and loses has different success rates in different modes, then the mmr is going to be different.

But you’re too busy saying things are ‘impossible’ to understand that they ‘aren’t’ and then remove your ability to actually grasp what is going on. “Impossibilities” (or claiming them) tend to just be people looking for something to blame because they don’t want to understand it.

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No but I gave you 3 examples as well. You didn’t provide anything beside totally random things which have nothing to do with the game and sound more like personal insults. It has nothing to do with personal experience or whatsoever. Either the technology is there or not and all I can tell you is that others do a better job. I will not repeat what has been said before already.

Why would you ‘repeat it’ when it’s a written medium and you could stop ignoring the stuff I’ve been writing?

It’d be a lot better if you’d have just read it through instead of assuming disagreements that you had to make up instead.

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No. Why would it be? Grouping up does not make you play better. And on top of that you get mmr penalty for grouping up, so I guess you could say it might be unfair for the 3+2 side (they’re intentionally matched into stronger opponents for no good reason), but I imagine thats not how you would look at it :P.

Most people only check who are in a party with each other. They dont think about how much higher his own teams mmr is compared to them.

They instantly see stacked teams and start complaining cause they think its unfair to face stacked teams as solo player.


The mmr penalty for grouping up is not that bad. A 5 stack vs all solos should at least be 2 ranks higher. An all gold 5 man should face all diamonds. If it’s tested and destroys 5 man then mid plat is my compromise. Being a 5 man is just too powerful if you can find four others whose roles don’t conflict, pick s tier heroes, and intend to win. Voice comms also makes actions a lot faster

Lol. 5 diamond vs 5-man gold would be 90% win chance for the diamonds, probably more. Plebian “balance” ideas xD.

I generally meet the same 5man teams over and over across the week with some variation between them playing 4 or 5man.
These guys have the highest mmr due to having barely any losses at all because of the 5man advantage so unless youre high mmr in qm that you likely wont get autolosses that much.
The way it tends to go is that one side has massively better mmr and winrates because its forced to just put anything together and having gold leaguers play against gm and master is very very common, you simply have a slightly better mmr in qm.
You can still have a much lower mmr than your enemy theres just not enough people to get a fair match.
Like i just did this evening i met two of them one of them went with a 4man though but theyre more common than duos atleast in my experience and you tend to just meet the same people in qm.

Being a 5 man is too strong

Most of the time people only check to see if they were vs a stacked team after getting stomped. I imagine many times they never checked and they probably stomped 5 and 4 man teams more often they than realize. I try to look at the end screen as often as I can to see if I faced a group. Many times I’m shocked a team I easily stomped was a 5 man, I would have never guessed.

This whole subject is a bit silly as you know, unless you play off peak times, there is little chance as a solo you will face full five man teams or even teams of four.