Won both games with 1player kicked out inactivity

Tough luck, had two games with 1 player afk in start of the game, then ai the rest. The games were pretty fun though, close games. Actually the most memorable of the day.
One of them being in ToD a Ragnaros, our double soaker, yes i wonder how we won too. We were kind of 5grouped rotating whole game and it kinda worked.

The other one was on Dragon Shire with an Azmodan ai. For some reason my team wasnt pinging him other than me(Tyrael) and Maiev (we were duo) which dove in enemy’s backline (till very late game, but then good thing Tyrande started pinging him in the final/important/game deciding fights)

Curious if that was an actual coincidence or HotS is actually being bombarded by bots or something all of a sudden.


i play on a dead server where i go through this all the time, if you are on the mmr extreme (+3000) this is normal. I find it challenging

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Have you considering changing server? Maybe the ping difference isn’t as bad but worth it.

the ping becomes very high, doesn’t work

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Sorry to hear, what server is it, out of curiousity? :frowning:

im from south of Brazil

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Just read a post, it says the queue times are about 3mins. How long are yours?

i use to play just solo qm these days so its fast

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good to know, glhf with your games.

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