Windows 1903 + Nvidia 436.x driver = major FPS drops

Hey HotS team,

Through some extensive troubleshooting on my own build (9900k, 1080ti, 32GB of 4000mhz Ram, hardwired, 15ms ping to US Central) I have been able to identify that any of the Nvidia 436 branch drivers cause 100+ fps drops in HotS (and SC2) and doing a DDU (display driver uninstaller) to 431.60 completely resolves the issue.

Windows 1903 is completely patched up-to-date, as is everything else on my system drivers wise - introducing the 436 branch driver results in wild FPS fluctuations, downgrading to the 431 branch resolves.

Can anybody else verify?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: FPS problems in windows 10 1903 may update :frowning: