"Win three games"-quest Bug

I have a quest (“Win three games”). Although I’ve won several games, the counter still says 0/3. Could you please fix it. Thanks!


I’m reporting the same issue, i’ve observed that problem only since today, i cannot fill my quests. I tested this on QM and also vs AI, it simply doesn’t work for the moment.

Same, I do not get progression on ANY of my daily quests (Play 8 games & Play 3 games as an assassin) , meaning I cannot complete them. I’ve had this issue since yesterday, so second day.

+same problem (as in parralel topic)

Quests don’t working at all

Same here. Quests are 3 tanks/bruisers and 2 Starcraft. Blaze (or any other hero) does nothing to the quests, all still at 0.
I play on EU.
A friend played with me in the same group, they finished their quests without issues.
The day before yesterday everything seamed to be fine, it started yesterday (28.12.23). I have no idea what I might have done diffenerently than the last 2 years, sorry.
(this is just an assumption) I think I should have gotten a third quest by now. But I’m still with only the two that I had yesterday (10am CET).

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for all your contributions. As I just recognized, I don’t get any new quests either. It’s only the Win-3-Games-Quest from yesterday. So at the moment I cannot earn any gold :frowning:

Same for me. No progress. Tried different heroes. Nothing.
Relogging, changing status, restarting bnet or PC, waiting a day… so far nothing helped.

I have the same problem, quests don’t progress and new ones don’t appear

i got same problem. play 8 games and have playd 6 but still 0/8. and dident get a new daily quest today…

Same here! It seems it’s a common issue.

New quest “Win 3 games with a Bruiser/Tank” is not completing/reacting/working -No new quests appear after 24 hours -Please help

Same for me on two daily’s tasks - guess all of them are broken :confused:

Stessa cosa per me da ieri, nessuna nuova missione e zero progressi in quelle precedenti. Forse sì, è un problema del server UE. Fate qualcosa con urgenza, il problema c’è dal 28/12/2023 e sono già 2 giorni che va avanti questo bug

Same for me, the play 2 overwatch/nexus heroes / 3 assasin / play 8 games doesn’t work

I have a mission to play with 2 wow heroes. I have played several already and it is not completed and also new daily missions are not updated. Could you fix it? Thank you!

Same for me on two daily’s tasks since yesterday
(win 8 games and play 3 games as support or healer)
I tried :

  • different heroes
  • disconnect/reconnect
  • restart bnet or PC
  • wait a day
  • reinstall HOTS
  • Check and repair it
    Nothing helped.
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same here . still not fixed

Same here. 3 days already since i’m stuck with “win 3 games”, played many and won, not updating, also no new dailies being given anymore.

same problem. Its still 0/3 for my quests.

Same here - tons of games with heroes eligible for quests, still nothing. Non of the general troubleshooting helped.

It has been fixed. Wow, i didn’t expect them to fix this in less than a week, especially during the New Year’s holiday. GJ to the 2 people still working on maintenance for this game! :grin: