What do you get if you combine purple and orange? Or maybe just plain old red?
Simplicity I guess. HotS wasn’t meant to be as complicated as LoL or DOTA with their 3 paragraph tool tips.
based. tooton BTFO’d
The way it works is that it is applied as spell damage that is flagged to ignore all damage modifiers.
But I do agree that it would be nice if it were white or red or something.
Also speaking of damage mitigated by armour, there’s been posts frequently about the damage taken stat. Can we have it back to replace the self-healing stat and have the stat also include damage mitigated by armour please?
I think it’s something a lot of people want, many people voiced out when the damage taken stat was removed (I thought it was removed so it could come back in a better form e.g. show all damage taken before reductions, e.g. damage taken before armour reductions)
LoL displays those stats in the end of the game, + many more.
Literally a whole sheet of data for every player!
I wish damage taken stat could be had during the game and not just the end game. Tanks/bruisers should get a stat they can easily do better than other classes (tank the only class without a stat they can do well in, I know stats can be inaccurate indicator but seriously no harm letting tanks feel good about themselves w high dmg taken, harmless fun)
The self-healing stat can either be merged in the healing column or can show up in the end game screen. And th eend game screen can show all the other interesting stats too like time silenced, time d9isabled and all that
I am not so sure about it. Does Ancestral work through enemy VP too? Or Ley Line and other enemy stasis.
Any area heals are ignored by stasis and channeled ones are cancelled (like Life Binder or Morales Q)
Malfurion Regrowth + Moonfire heals continue working normally through Ice Block. Whitemane too iirc.
Those aren’t stasis, those are Time Stop. Time Stop literally pauses all effects, whereas stasis has an interupt.
Quick question, does spell armor reduce Last Rites’s damage?
I don’t think it does.
Last Rites deals damage equal to half the target’s missing health, so if they are under 1/3 of their life, they will die (barring shields), which is why it shows Malthael the little skull icon.
I like this response. Right to the point and it says simply “we’re not going to do that.”
I had an Illidan say “I’ve died a lot to Malthael’s ult.”
and someone replied “that’s because you didn’t take the spell damage talent”.
He could have been referring to his trait damage, but idk. Just got me thinking.
Illidan has the best chance of mitigating Last Rites though through his self healing. Since it deals a percentage of lost health, the hero would need to be below 33.3% health (50% of 66.6% health lost is 33.3% health, the minimum amount of damage that Last Rites must do in order to kill a hero) and Illidan can easily stay above that when facing off against Malthael on his own.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think Metamorphosis also acts as a sort of cleanse. I’m not sure if it will cleanse Last Rites though.
Aside from Varian and Medivh, Illidan has a very strong chance to survive Last Rites.
I know. I’ve played my fair share of Malthael. It just caught me off guard for a min and I was like “wait its a spell, so maybe this guy is on to something”.
Just wanted to make sure I got it right.
I’m not sure it counts as spell damage though.
That’s one thing I wish Blizzard would be more transparent with. What counts as spell damage, physical damage, or neither.
It would make sense that it counts as spell damage, but it may not be mitigated by spell shields. I can’t even find the answer to this, I’d have to sandbox it to find out but I have an interview here in the next 45 minutes so I can’t really check it out on my own.
If it is spell damage, then yes, he could mitigate it through talents.
If it shows the numbers like most damage does, it should be able to be determined. I believe orange numbers is physical damage and purple numbers is spell damage. I just don’t know if it shows it for LR.
No it isn’t.
If DW has 100hp left and takes 4% damage, he dies, taking 110 dmg. If Tracer is at 100 hp and takes 4% damage, she takes 53 damage and lives.
How is that the same? The whole point of % damage is that you take more damage the more max health you have.
Having armor apply to it would defeat the purpose. I can’t see why anyone would want that.