Will we ever get % damage abilities that can be reduced by the different armors?

This is weird and inconsistent then, because % healing can be reduced or increased by spellpower or healing reduction.

E.g. Biotic nade on Alex W makes everyone heal for 0 even though it states 20% max hp.

I actually should check whether Varians Second Wind 1% AA heal is affected by Dalaran banner.

I do think that the % damage we have now should remain as it is. But I also think that it might be interesting having an ability, that deals more damage to higher max HP targets, that deals spell damage instead. So it can be reduced by spell armor.

Its because they dont want.

It has to do with a rock paper scissors type of draft system. If you draft a certain type a lot, there must be counters to that system.

Against high HP there is high damage
which is countered by armor
which is countered by %dps
which is countered by sustained healing
which is countered by burst damage
which is countered by high health. And the cycle repeats.


They could play with wording, e.g.

  • Deal 10% max hp
  • Deal damage equal to 10% max hp

That would cause a confusion though.

What’s so confusing about it? Simply write 10% max hp spell damage. That means spell armor or armor reduces whatever value max hp damage by the armor value. Example: 100 original damage then gets reduced by 25% from 25 armor to do 75 damage in the end. % magic damage or physical damage would have higher than usual % damage to compensate for the fact armor exists. Standard % max hp Will do more against armored targets but % max spell/physical damage would excel against targets with no armor

Don’t tell @Op that Malganis’ DC is “% based” but Armor reduces it… :smiley:

So you’d accept my mechanic to be more prevalent in the game?

Would you ask Casinos what is their rate for slot machines ? Here is the exact same kind of game.

I would consider that a diffirent system though, as the target tresholds are % based. But the damage and healing becomes a DoT and HoT. And both can be affected by armor and healing reductions/buffs. Its the system healing globes use aswel, except then as damage.

Except it doesnt matter at all to mention it! All current damage is either physical or spell damage anyway. If armor would affect it, it would also affect all the standard %dps systems.

Sure, it could have been made entirely natural, but it wasnt done that way. And there is another simple reason for that: the spell/physical part is decided by the way its applied. Not as an attribute of a talent.
If its directly applied through AA, it can be both physical and spell. Usualy it turns into spell damage if its directly boosted by an ability (like tychus minigun).
If it is applied by a secondary effect, its always spell damage.

Thats why the splitting doesnt make sense, and why it becomes confusing. Currently %dps is a system that avoids armor systems, and the system which applies it becomes irrelevant.

If you want to get 2 types of %dps, you are actualy forced to make 3 of then: neutral, physical and spell. And for the current heroes you would need to check if their abilities have to become neutral. A big balance task, which barely matters as the current system already does work fine.

I would prefer the term chaos damage instead of neutral. Good old WC3.

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% damage is declarative, meaning if it says it does 1% of the hero’s maximum health in bonus damage, it must deal 1%. And it can’t be reduced by anything.

It would be very strange if we could mitigate % damage. It doesn’t make logical sense.

I have a sneaking suspicion that is because it is a DoT, and technically not direct damage, like Cursed Bullet. It is pretty funny when Mal’ganis uses it on a low health target and kills himself by mistake. I saw that happen not too long ago when I was tanking against one in a QM.


Nope. You hit 75% spell power reduction on alex and take the W it still heals the same as without it. It would only effect her Q. Healing and healing reduction/buff are entirely different mechanic with different priority. Just because they function similarly doesn’t make them the same.
For example hero that is about to iceblock gets hit by pyro and ancestral heal in 0,5 seconds. Heal will go through despite him being in stasis while pyro gets negated by it. Yet neither could be cast if the target was in ice block. Getting back to damage it also has the priorities I listed earlier. For example you could have 10000% more spellpower and -75 armor on target and they take no damage because they got protected, it has higher priority even though they should die thousand times over with that damage. That is what healing reduction is to healing, it has higher priority. And since we talk about Alex, did you know you can heal past Ana grenade with lifebinder? And no, it’s not breaking the rules. If you nade lifebinder you deny the trickle heal that happens during the activation, but the final “heal” actually isn’t a heal. It sets your health to X percentage as such it cannot reduced in any way (outside of attacking the other target).

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Yep. Dark Conversion doesn’t deal % damage, after 0.75 seconds it snapshots the current percentage of the enemy hero’s health (like 80%), transfers it to you, then deals your snapshotted health % value to the enemy as Damage Over Time.

Hmm, interesting. I think yesterday my Life Binder was cancelled by Dehaka burrow and he did not get healed. Cannot confirm 100% though.

Ancestral I can definitely remember healing through Ice Block.

This is basically correct. Tychus’s percent damage makes it so he kills everyone same rate and his base damage does more to lower health heroes. The reason lower health teams are more of a counter is a team comprised of lower health heroes has higher damage output in general.

I don’t see anything wrong with how % damage currently works. Yes most heroes have options for it but overall it’s very balanced as heroes are giving up other talent options to focus on it. If it was changed do armor reduced it you might cause a large balance change to tanks based off how much armor mechanics they have. Now Garrosh becomes the number one counter to Tychus.

They could. But it would defeat the purpose.

% damage already loses value when the hero’s max healpool is low (Or if the target has shields) To have it also be reduced by armor would make it worse than any other damage bonus in too many situations.

if it’s paired with large shields. Since %damage is based on max hp, that value isn’t modified by shields, so the rate of damage remains the same despite the target having more “hp”.

A lvl 13 Fenix takes 47 damage from tychus’ trait, but if he takes the hp-to-shield talent, that drops to 33 damage a hit.

Last time I checked–and please tell me if i’m wrong–healing and damage are not the same thing?

(yes, I do get where you’re coming from, but all healing and all % damage are each consistent internally. It’s like how how buffs/talents giving % damage are additive, but some are multiplicative.)

The wording would be “deal spell damage equivalent to 10% of the targets max HP”. Or “deal physical damage equivalent to 10% of the targets max HP”.

This is literally taking the way they describe the damage that Malthael’s ultimate does. (well, technically his uses missing HP, but it would be written the same but with different HP amounts).

One could also use current HP, or any amount of odd wording!
“Deal spell damage equivalent to 10% of the targets remaining HP plus 5% of their current HP”

“Deal physical damage equivalent to the % difference between your HP and the targets HP”

I don’t know why you would want to use the last one I wrote there, but that is doable with what is in the game by simply wording things properly. But it will always be equivalent, because that makes it very clear that it is not simply percent damage.

So “your mechanic” exists, unless you want to take an implemented mechanic, implement in another way for some bizarre reason and call it new.


almost all, if not all, healing works through stasis states.

If healing doesn’t work on someone in Ice Block, that would make it more likely to be a bug than not.