Will this game get new patches?

Will this game get new patches?

It already got multiple bug patches. But new heroes are not planed.


It will for sure, just don’t expect too much. Some bug fixes here and there, a few balance patches. Probably no new heroes/skins/events though, since that would require a bigger team.


We do not know and until Microsoft writes something out, or just surprises us, we can only theroize and hope that something will come. So far there has been some activity over the last couple months in the form of patches that ironed out some bugs but nothing more.

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Yes. Bug fixes, balance changes, ladder season updates are continuing to be released. But it won’t be getting any new paid content. Also, the changes it does get will depend heavily on community guidance.


Blizzard had loudly communicated on the last patch, they wanted people know about it. So they must have some plans about the game… Probably no big plans though… At least that is what I think !

Loudly communicated is being pretty generous. They released a patch and told people what was in it, that’s pretty standard.

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I guess I meant compared than before, they did not tweet or anything for the two previous patches… They were dead silent during one year and a half, like if they were embarrassed by the game. Now not only they aknowledged its existence but they want people to know HOTS receive some new care. I think (but I might be wrong) they know what they do when they start using social medias again to promote a patch for a game a lot of players want to see revive.

And the message was well heard ! Article were written all over the world about this unexpected patch (most of the people did not know about the two previous patches released this year and for them it was the first patch since Blizzard told the game was left for dead, or almost). I remember a post here in this forum made by Korean people, intrigued by this patch and saying it had made some people coming back in the game.

My theory is as simple as: why Blizzard would revivid the interest for this game if they have no plans at all and just want it to die slowly ? They could just have stayed silent like they were until now.

Well, I hope I am more clear about my use of the word “loudly” ! It is true that this is just standard communication but standard communication about HOTS, it is a huge deal !


it has been some 2-3 years since they used social media for anything HotS, so the patch did get some attention and people can speculate till Gabe Newell passes what is in store for the future od HotS now :thinking:


Oh sounds interesting, would you recomment me to download it again?

Sorry for the time to answer, I would definitly recommand you to download it ! But don’t expect too much changes, balance uptades are more and more importants and delivered on a regular basis, but still, it’s not as big as it was. Anyway the game got more care from Blizzard since a year or so, and it keeps going on, so yes, why not try the game again ?