As high kerrigan main, the only thing i would advice is choose Q build, W build is basically a meme build right now , even E build works better than W build,all this thanks to hitbox reduction and movement speed for all. On everything else there is no counter-argument, but wait for low skilled people coming here telling how kerrigan is strong and other bulshiit, the truth is that with her last rework they had some cool idea but that wasnt developed in the right way leading to this kerrigan that is just a shadow of her old version.
i trust the kerrigan avatar poster more than any of u clowns
a good Kerrigan is scary dude. She just kills people.
Also she’s amazing on Infernal Shrines, borderline OP on that map if you play her right.
no better than a good raynor would
Not the same way. Raynor doesn’t have the kill confirmation that Kerrigan does, nor does he do anywhere near as much burst damage. Raynor also doesn’t have CC.
Their kits are totally different.
When I first came to HotS, I was excited because the trailer showcased her fighting with her immense psionic prowess like in HotS (the HotS SCII) but then imagine how disappointed I was when I found out she was just a melee combo assassin bearing no resemblance to the fearsome Queen of Blades I envisioned her to be. Granted she was still a menacing foe when used correctly, but I agree with OP. She seems overnerfed.
I actually think Kerrigan being a medium range mage/marksman hybrid like Orphea would fit her psionic background more. Also Maw on her would make her really embodies that combo-esque design choice in retrospect. I imagine because Zagara is quite squishy, giving her Ultralisk can act as sort of an escort that she can use to stun people to run away. I’d even give her Ultralisk Summon the Torrasque reconstitution upgrade to act like Raynor’s banshee but melee and has downtime. But that’s just my opinion.
I answer that Kerrigan has buffs I think that wouldn’t go enough. I go purchase her when I knew that her Queen of Ghosts skin will be made. I don’t think that Samuro buffs instead of Valeera.
I would real matters that both Nova & Valeera would give a rework or buffs. I didn’t receive that why Valeera is currently only Melee Assassin hero is wasn’t buffs this year I have for this?
It’s because the devs don’t want one shots. Time for zeratul to go devs
Upon reading this thread I felt like playing kerrigan so I did and within 13 mins I was annihilated in a no tank no healer game.
I like to refer to kerrigan as the hardest hero in the game. Harder than tlv and Abby. She is so team dependant and because of her lack of mobility she is incredibly all in and you must pick your engagements perfectly.
Also I get feeling that talent selection on her is vital to get perfect or you become useless.
Maybe I still need time with her to figure her out despite she being one of my highest played characters but I think she just needs more numbers to help her survive and do enough dmg to command respect from her enemies. I like her all in hyper aggressive playstyle and don’t want it changed to some psionic ranged mage (ergh) , but think she just needs a bit of a boost to make things easier
Buffing Valeera will make people complain. I wouldn’t expect it.
my eyes were bleeding when i read burst dmg and kerrigan in the same sentence.
In only 4 seconds, she can deal 4,959.5 dmg at lvl 20.
In comparison, Li-Ming Poilk combo does 2875 dmg in 1.5 seconds.
Burst generally refers to very rapid high damage nukes dealt in 0,5-1,5s (or instantly). For example KTZ combo, pyro (not counting channel time)
Teamfights are sometimes over after 4 seconds. (Plus that damage above requires a stationary target who is not being healed, armored or protected in any form, like a Target Dummy)
But yes her combo itself is kind of bursty, though it alone rarely kills players.
They’re stunned for 1.5 sec and Kerrigan sticks onto them with Qs.
KTZ who’s considered a burst mage requires 5.5 sec for his best dmg combo to be effective.
Kerrigan does do burst damage
Usually i interpret burst dmg as " a high dmg dealt in 1 second or less ", kerrigan needs from 4 to 5 (i think i did the calc in an old post, i dont remember correctly ) sec to deal all her dmg, since her skills actually got some delays , old kerrigan dealt less dmg (not by much) in 2 sec or less, since all her dmg was done on impact, thats when she was pure burst dmg that actually fit her playstyle of diving hero, those 4 to 5 sec to deal your dmg as a diving hero its a death sentence, also time changes in team fight scenario with the actual kerrigan, and thats why i not consider her burst dmg, as she was before her rework.
The chad probius vs the giga chad snowball
vs the supreme chad stim drone
vs the alighty chad overlord Huln Highmountain
Actually 4.959 is much less since you also hit with some AAs and it took 5 sec to deal all her dmg and this one was on a stationary target, in a real fight she will deal even much less dmg, or better saying it will take even more time, now tell my how is kerrigan “burst”, when li ming does it in 1.5 sec.