Why smurfs play ranked?

“Too many think they belong in Master League when they truly belong in Bronze 5”

Fixed that for you

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I think most smurfs skip bronze


I’ve come to like it just for the CDR. The center hit is just a small bonus. It’s a small upgrade, but the alternatives are really situational/small too (very short range blink or very conditional small extra slow).
Now a sundering wall upgrade on 20 for thrall… That thing really can be very unexpected (and powerful) XD.

If you win all 3 placements you start at silver 4 half way. So you are in range to get couple bronze games even then. I assume if you lost some you would probably be placed somewhere into bronze. But generally yeah, smurfs are gonna be mostly in the plat-diamond as silver is usually nearly skipped as is gold with the 500 points per game.

Rank will come with personal improvement. And I would say you will learn more from a high ranked smurf than from a fellow silver (just an example) player. Well at least, if you pay any attention to the game at all. Higher ranked player will tend to exploit mistakes you might never even have thought as mistakes before. That can really open one’s eyes for rapid improvement.
Smurfs can be frustrating to deal with, but they certainly don’t stop you from getting better at the game yourself. And if you just want higher rank without getting better? Well, that’s not how it’s even supposed to work…

P.S. If you can’t change anything, look on the bright side.

“you can’t change anything” are you sure? how about ranked games with real ID card? 2 accounts are not allowed with the same ID card in ranked games…goodbye smurfers and trollers (fake accounts)

That’s why I am Silver on my alt.

Some of the Smurfs are banned main accounts due to the unlimited reporting system that players abuse.

I hate to admit it but that really might result in almost no one playing Ranked in this game

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Rub it in :sob: :sob:

Well, that’s what salt is for :slight_smile:

When I cry I can taste the salt :sob: :sob:

Go on a low-salt diet

Good for the health of old people like Ana

All ages honestly considering the amounts of salt they put in foods these days


Streamers smurf because their queue times get too long and they want to get into games as quickly as possible to provide the most content. Nobody watches people waiting in queue

Random players
have smurfs so that they can “Practice new heroes” or “new builds” without having it affect their MMR on their main account.

They also have smurfs because their main account has an MMR too high for the friends they want to play with so they create a smurf to keep around their frineds mmr so that they can play with them .

They are boosting someone either for cash or because they are friends.

They want to have an account to troll or grief on

Trolls have smurfs because…well their other account is suspended or has been hammered a lot lately

they’re trolls…

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I’m beginning to see the appeal of smurfing tbh. My rank isn’t quite high enough for it to be an issue but the more master-diamond games I play the more im noticing how differently the game is played at that level. You really have to be putting 100% into it and any misplays are immediately capitalized on. Sometimes its pretty fun but other times you’ve had a long day and just dont feel like putting that much effort into an activity thats supposed to be relaxing. From my experience smurfs dont like playing in silver-high plat because the skill difference is so high and they have to put up with alot of awful teammates. Though Midplat- diamond would be a range that they could mess around in while not also stomping 24/7.

Also being a mid diamond smurf is kinda obnoxious unless youre switching servers/playing with friends. I’ve run into them when i was in plat and theyd act like they were alot better than their team when you could clearly see them messing up alot.

you know there are gold-platinum players who go to bronze-silver in a full party on smurfs accounts, they win 5-7 games as a full party and after that they go individuals and troll 5-7 games to keep that account at that level (ranked points) in 10 games played by sumrfers like those (5 wins full party+5 trolls x 5 players) 125 random players have to suffer (125 games)

Any data to support this? I haven’t encountered any.

https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/j3g6ad/hots_storm_league_issues/ watch in my comment