Why not keep the old tassadar and create a new hero?

It won’t be tassadar though.
People get invested in heroes they spend time on.

Look. Don’t waste your time trying to include another Tassadar. it won’t work. You’d be very deluded to think it ever would.

Your best bet is to come up for a Sentry hero that plays and feels like old Tass.

Well Tassadar still exists. If it was the character and not the kit… he is still there, mostly the same. But he fits better with his lore counterpart. So if you truly cared about the character, you should be happy about that.

But if it’s just the kit… then I don’t understand how a Sentry hero would not do.

I mean I’m not hopeless. You are coming off that way. Do you really think anyone would listen to you? They JUST remade tassadar. You think they will see your post and have an instant change of heart? Get real, man…

I wonder if you could say the same if they made a Warcraft hero who can summon infested erm undead minions and infest erm defile structures.
But hey stukov is in the game XD


You took the words out of my mouth. Dont try to reason with him

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I mean, my complaint of stukov was that he was nothing like his lore counterpart and that they failed. So no I was never attached to a kit I was attached to the character. That is the difference. You seem attached to the kit more so than the character, because Tassadar became more like his lore counterpart not the opposite. And that should make any fan of tassadar happy.

Don’t try to reason with me? Explain how I am being unreasonable? I am trying my best to stay as logical as possible.

I dunno it’s just kinda disrespectful to put me down like that. I mean I am treating this with respect and am really putting in a lot of work and effort into each and every response. But I just get called a troll or unreasonable even though it’s just an open debate.

kid,this game has not 0 Important in my idea,has not 0 standard.
a bored system a tired system with only useless idea that only pull it on dead.
Tassadar ? no no you imagine X.
I do my work and create a good of him it is your answer not cause of people say me bravo…

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I don’t really understand what you are saying.

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you are only doing your work.
My Wish and My Idea see it,this is my work for Hots no is a dicuss…
everyone dont say a good think for my work any one has not see me,it go to hell but I do my work as a member not only some dicuss that only make a race with anothers.

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you are not unreasonable,you speak instead of 100 people,give time to another to say about his ideas.

I have not any friends here,people dont say about my work and dont give hearth to me even 0.00001,working for Hero build is my main job not in life though,I have imagine in my mind can create a well but my english dont let me to write and read english so much because I can not do it so much…
no problems,anyway seprate of this you should have some care and let them to write his comments,see it you have about 30 post you dont let another to say anthing it make them sad.

This could be said about several hero reworks, Tyrande (3x), Tychus, Tassadar (like 3 times now) Li Li, Brightwing, Nova (3x), The list goes on. They just delete old hero designs and we are stuck with never being able to play a hero we thought was fun before. The constant reworks and destruction of playstyle was one of the reasons I left WoW, I got sick of relearning my class because it drastically changed every time they had an expansion and sometimes mid expansion.

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just that tass needs to be the fantasy they reworked him into. Sentry hero with his hit yes pls but unfortunately it won’t happen. At least, not with force wall… The days of Tass/Illidan / Tass/Raynor / Tass/Valla / etc are over. rip

semantics are not very fun to argue about. People like the kit. If Stukov got reworked to be his lore counterpart I would be sad again for the same reason as I am now with tass.


I missed the much older Tass, when his Shield had 8 sec duration and 5 sec cooldown, or something like that. Be able to keep the shield up permanently, viable if he had to solo support.

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Exactly. What is the point of learning a hero if all that investment in time/effort is useless, and you might not even want to play that hero anymore at all as you now find it boring/convoluted to play?

There is no problem with talent updates to make talents equal or offer a bit of a change, but complete playstyle changes or role shifts should simply never be done.


In every moba it’s ok that old characters that have outdated kit got reworked, often with a very drastic change in their playstyle.

People doesn’t want changes and when those happen they get upset. You’ll never find an agreement that make everybody happy.

Most MOBAs also run on items. Copying bad ideas is not a good idea.

If they really, really want those kits in the game, make a new hero or allow both version to be played. Unless the rework was due to the hero bein plain overpowered.

Who decide if it’s a bad idea?

Mobas evolve costantly, mainly because with so many characters avaible the older ones often become outdated (newer kit are more fitting into a meta that shift often). Reworks are needed to update everyone and keep the pace, instead of simply be pushed out of the meta and never played again. Some may be better than other, but the target of all of them should always be to improve the performance of said character.

People never like changes because they hate to leave their comfort zone and adapt to something different (even if better). In a game it’s just a matter of fun: a rework may change a character’s gameplay more or less, but you’ll always upset someone while also making someone else happy.
That doesn’t mean that changes are “bad”, but simply that you cannot please everybody so better keep moving forward that staying still for the sake of the status quo.

Just because they’ve taken away something that you liked, instead of making a drama out of it for months, look for another Hero that you enjoy playing.
I’ve stopped playing Kerrigan after her most recent rework, even if I had 110 levels on her, and moved to Orphea but I’ve never come around here or anywhere elso to make my own crusade about how bad are the Devs because they’ve “broken” my toy.

It’s perfectly valid for people to be upset about change (or not).

Either way, those people will indeed move on. Duh.