WHY is this allowed to continue?

16% winrate. 100 games.

oxXoliviaXxo#1547 sits here daily just feeding kills to throw games and lower their mmr(?).

Do something about this, janitor. Jesus christ. But you have time to nerf rehgar into the ground.

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I’m guesing becasue losing games is not reportable.

It’s a bot account throwing mmr, how is that not reportable. SMH

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He will get banned if enough people report him. If they dont then nothing happens.


It sucks, and it at least “feels” as if it takes longer for players who INT/AFK to be punished. As there is no way to know for sure, as no notifications are sent, and AFK/INT players don’t get silenced, but suspended, it’s only natural to think this kind of disruptive player is never punished.

As QBW2 noted, none of this is helped by people who don’t bother to report, or misreport for abusive chat, which will do nothing if the player hasn’t typed anything.

Anyway, I get your frustration, and to give you a heads-up, you might want to edit your first post and remove that player’s battle tag. Posting tags in the context of this thread falls into “naming and shaming” and a ghost Mod might either remove this thread and/or take action against your account.


I’ve played at least 5 games with a bot. I have reported him every time and tell others to report him yet he keeps on showing up.

The problem with these bots is that it demoralizes a player. If 80% of my games have a bot either on my team or the other team the game is not fun. Why am I wasting my time playing a game that is not fun?

  1. time is ‘wasted’ based on the utilization of the person. Other people can play with bots, throw games, or whatever, and not feel like they ‘wasted’ their time. A key distinction in understanding that can be seen in mundane obligations compared to recreation: people feel that their commute is a “waste” so they get impatient, drive with excessive acceleration, hard stops, and don’t keep themselves engaged in an activity that should warrant most of their attention. They themselves make the experience a ‘waste’ for themselves because they are convinced they can’t improve the experience and any and everything else is to blame for it being a ‘waste’.
  1. Games are not strictly ‘fun’. There’s some 9-or so other motivations, rewards, or experiences that people can use with their ‘wasted’ game time. However if people aren’t aware of those possibilities, they’re less likely to make use of those options.

Part of life is learning how to facilitate the 3+ times we experience a moment (past, present, future) into rewards or punishments. That’s part of why some people bother trolling online games: they have figured a way to generate a ‘reward’ for ‘wasting’ the time of any involved in their shenanigans.

To lose 84/100 games you have to either be absolute dumpster fire at this game or be trolling. Which is more likely? This is not simply a bad player losing games.

The fact nothing can really be done about it besides relying on player reports is what is frustrating.

Personally I hate that players like this can go around ruining games for people while others are banned for using the chat feature. I think literally making your team lose is a much bigger problem than someone saying stupid stuff. You can at least mute the person. There’s no way to “mute” a troll that makes your team lose.

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As players, we really shouldn’t have to shoulder the responsibilities of policing bad actors, via reports. Even before they shelved Hots, many other games/studios used AI to automatically detect a player who has a 12% win rate over hundreds of consecutive games.

Before someone rips my head off, no, I don’t think account actions should be decided by AI, but obvious outliers (like the example you cited) should be automatically flagged for human review.

Considering that Blizzard must be using the most primitive form of AI detection, I perhaps should be careful what I wish for. Daily I see B-Tag’s where a terrible word/racial slur (take your pick!) has passed through the profanity filter, by simply changing an i to a 1. Even games made by indie or small game studios have automated systems to prevent the creation of usernames like this, and most have had it since 2005!

I understand that Blizzard using the player base to report disruptive behavior is a cost saving measure, but I’ve always disliked that responsibility being shifted, primarily, to the customer/players.

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I’ve talked to this person. It’s not a bot. They intentionally lose games to de-rank so they don’t get stuck with 1000 second queue times they said.

It’s damn annoying when they are on your team though. They just walk into the towers over and over.

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So did you learn anything about the reporting system?

They could just quit at the draft screen. At that point they realy do want to troll their team.

There is no reporting system. There is a use the chat and get banned system but that’s it.

I accidentally watched Fan’s stream featuring the player in the OP. About a week ago, his newest, current B2GM.

Sort of weird, inspection shows that the player has a proper 51-52% lifetime win rate, but then this season it’s trolling. In the match available on YouTube (and Twitch I suppose), Olivia takes Leoric under the keep and manages 32 deaths. Fan tries to make the best of it, as much as a stream is concerned. I suspect he actually took the loss (just before the match mentions that he’s getting all the good teams and will ascend in no time) but at least appears trying.

ps.: No need to throw so much to derank. Sounds like a lame, dishonest excuse.

This isn’t true, I had a friend who was new to Hots who received an account suspension for “disruptive gameplay.”

That punishment was handed out as he was playing heroes in ARAM that he had no clue about and died too often. Remember, when players are punished for INT/AFK, they are suspended from the game, you don’t see them with a big silenced icon as you do players who are, well, silenced for chat abuse.

Clarification. My position regarding the report system is the same, I think it’s terribly flawed, has too little human review and we as players shouldn’t have to be the primary means to police disruptive players, Blizzard should take on that responsibility.


Who says chat is necessary? You can push instead of join a bad fight and people report. Midwits are the general rule.

let me guess ur at bronze 5 and u meet someone who is hardstucking an account below bronze 20 so he can give it later to some streamer who will do b2gm challenge and they need a very hardstuck b5 acc who is only attainable in that way?