Why is hammer banned in brawl but kt isnt

sometimes, this makes no sense, kt is jsut a free win, and it’s ok. but hammer, any chance it has to do something, even in brawl, it’s automatically banned by blizzard

Dont expect much sense when “unfun” argument is involved.


that’s exactly the point, when u can pick kt, the win rate on it is super high, so basically the other team is stuck losing. this was the case for hammer and for several other heroes, so those got taken out b/c it made it unfun for other team.

I won more games against hammer than KT in brawl. Hammer did feel overwhelming if you had no real way to pressure her tho. KT on the other hand, feels like a nuisance and not fun to play against even if you do win.

Fighting Hammer was boring. And ‘unfun’, as I think Blizz said. Good choice to remove her IMO.

Fighting KT is also ‘unfun’. The fire and forget mechanic of bomb is just lame. It makes fights basically just running around for 50% of the time avoiding spreading the bomb to teammates. The lane wide Flamestrikes (plus the added bomb functionality) is also really lame. Sure he’s ‘fun to play’ because you win 90% of the matches as him, but he’s really lame to play against.

They added back reworked Chromie & Azmo, and they’ve been mopping the floor most of the games I’ve played. The same problem rises with Azmo’s huge damage output and basically invulnerability because he could just sit at base and throw bombs. Chromie, eh, she just has huge damage output and is very hard to get to. I was happy when they put these two back to brawl matches, but they’ve proved to be super annoying to play against.

IF KT was to go, then Azmo should also. Chromie, I dunno, she requires some skill to actually have an impact.

On another note holy hell add shields to core, most of my games end in either side just backdooring the core at 20%. That is dumb and a very, very lame tactic.

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Pretty much the problem with playing against him in brawl. They really need to look at his kit because it doesn’t even feel fun to play against in the base mode (although not to the degree you see in brawl).

I find Azmo to not be too much of an issue. His orb is semi easy to dodge, unlike KT and he’s a huge target that’s easy to hit with most skill shots. He gets really annoying with other ranged heroes that spam.

Chromie feels relatively balanced to me. She has vulnerability and she can be avoided to some degree. She’s pretty much guaranteed to die if you get on top of her too.

Because Orbital BGF.


They nerfed BFG (no dmg to structures) ~1 year before removing her from ARAM.

BFG nerf - 25.07.2018
Removed from ARAM - 10.07.2019
to be more precise

The only thing I want for brawl is to stop trying to balance a mode that’s inherently unbalanced in the first place.

The only sensible balance change I saw in any ARAM style mode was League, which nerfed heals, because Sona could (and still did post-nerf) singlehandedly win games with literally no effort.

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Yes. It no longer damages structures, but it still hits the minion waves.

Never having minions for the rest of the game (and occasionally taking damage from BFG) is a bummer.


Should we ban Jaina because of her W then? (and long list of other heroes capable of 1shotting wave every 30 seconds)

BFG had nothing to do with Hammer being removed. People complained she is unfun, thats all.

I know you didn’t just compare blizzard to orbital BFG.

BFG is a single cast that will clear multiple waves and damage heroes for no additional mana. Comparing it to Blizzard is stupid. I still don’t think she was that big of an issue in Brawl tho.

I know you did.
This is still thread about ARAM.


Yeah… You fire BFG down the middle of a single lane map and it will clear all the minions every time it cycles the map. Not hard to see how strong that is.

I don’t understand the relevance of your comments.

So your argument is that Hammer was problematic in ARAM because of lvl 20 ultimate.
Your argument fails when basic abilities can do the same with 1 click since lvl 1.

Hammer was removed because of “unfun” whining, not BFG.

I agree and you can check my earlier comment to see that.

I’m just pointing out that BFG is very strong at 20, particularly on single lane maps. It was really disingenuous of you to even suggest that it was comparable to Blizzard which is why I pointed out it’s strengths in brawl.

Blizzard vs BFG.

  1. Blizzard doesn’t have global range.
  2. Jaina needs to be alive to cast it.
  3. If you keep targeting Blizzard at waves the whole game, the enemy team will thank you.
  4. There are times when Jaina simply can’t go cast W on a wave without suiciding.
  5. Jaina cannot remotely clear the lane
  6. Blizzard cannot hit every minion wave in the map with one cast
  7. Hammer cannot be zoned out from using BFG on a wave.
  8. Using O. BFG on minions does not cripple Hammer’s dps against the enemy team.
  9. Using it forever won’t make you run out of mana.
    10 Blizzard deals less damage if the minion wave is moving.

And so on , and so on. There is nothing comparable about these abilities.

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Irrelevant. Minions spawn every 30 seconds. There is no difference between killing minions on the other side of the map and between mid of the map and gate.

Oh wow that changes a lot, especially in ARAM with reduced respawn times.

Last time I checked Blizzard got much smaller cooldown that minion respawn rate.

This is so low I dont know what to say. Blizzard is ranged AoE? :smiley:

Neither will using Blizzard every 30 seconds with either of the mana refund talents Jaina has. And DEFINITELY not at level 20.

It will stop sooner or later doesnt it?

When it comes to melting minion wave with ease from distance, nullifying any value those can give? A lot.
Main difference is we are comparing basic ability with lvl 20 ult. But sure, because of lvl 20 ult they removed hero completely instead of removing the ult like Rags wave.

Would it all be easier for you to understand if I compared lvl 20 ult with Flamethrower?