Why i lose 700 ranks points in one game?

i was gold 2 and my team was 3 golds and 2 plats, enemy team had 1 silver and one diamond and 2 plats 1 gold… they were highly coordinated and their silver was asmurf low level account… the game was a stomp they had a really superior and higher rank overall over us (gold and plats) and then suddenly i was gold 3 with -770 rank point??? what? why?

A turtle made it to the water!

games typically swing by ±200 points plus whatever uncertainty bonus kicks in (eg. winning or losing several game) or large mmr differences between the teams (an upset outcome).

leaver penalties apply a -500 penalty, but that can be regained by not leaving the next several games.

So I’m going to venture that somewhere between what you told us and what you didn’t, you got a leaver penalty for leaving a draft.

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First question, how many points on average have you been gaining/losing? Second question, how long has it been since you’ve played?

If these are your placement games and/or you haven’t played for a long time, the first 10 or so games you can win or lose up to 500 points, sometimes higher depending on if you have recently dropped from draft. There are also favorable and unfavorable point adjustments.


Either you haven’t played games in a while, or or you have left a game recently.

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last game i played i got around 400 points

yeeah i havent played in a couple months but im still good, no i’ve not been a leaver


If you haven’t played in a while, your rank decays. The game doesn’t know where you should be any more, so you both gain and lose more points each game, until the game settles on the rank it thinks you now are.

(And if you’re unlucky, you lose early games at 500 points per loss and start winning when it’s back to 200 per win)


That’s helps to explain things somewhat. When I haven’t played Ranked for around 2 months, usually the first ten or so games I gain or lose about 500 points per match until I’ve played enough games that the system can determine, with some confidence, my personal MMR.

When I’ve played 15 or so games at the beginning of a season, my points for wins/losses settle to around 200–250 points per match. However, if I stop playing for a couple of months, even if it’s the same ranked season, MMR decay means I will again lose the 500 or so points when I resume playing, until I’ve played enough for the system to match me correctly.

770 rank points is a bit extreme, but there are some matches where your team is highly favored to win, often in situations such as you mention in your OP. If that team was a 5/4 stack, usually your team of solo players will have an overall higher MMR than the five stack. This is why you can sometimes lose more points to a stack than you would if both teams were solo players.

This can work both ways. When the matchmaker is forced to create very lopsided match ups (like the example in your OP) where one team vastly outranks the other team, in my experience I usually only win/lose 50 to 100 points. To avoid being shoved into a rainbow lobby, it’s best to play at peak hours, as it’s less likely the MM will be forced to create such uneven matchups.

MMR and Rank should have never been used to roughly mean the same thing. It’s a design element that is poorly thought out in terms of player experience and has only one use: to farm engagement, which itself only works so long as the players don’t catch on that you are mining them.

Modern gaming rank designs are a product of players who demand MMR ranking because they don’t know what competition is, and game studios wanting to mine those naive players for engagement metrics for investor meetings.

Do yourself a favor, don’t let them psychologically manipulate your fun with this crap. If you want true competition, join a team and play in one of the tournament leagues.

“engagement farming” is a social media gimmick. HotS doesn’t interconnect profiles, have fake-ai players from blizzard staff, or a myraid of other things that plague the internet with shallow and easily replicates trends for getting clicks, “likes”, or shares.

Even at it’s “prime” HotS isn’t mentioned in quarterly reports.

“Modern gaming” would need the game to not be… what was the word? Oh right, “dead”.

Cool, you found some new buzzword to blame. It’s still just another disconnected scapegoat.

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I love this description, it would make a fun B-Tag, if only there was no character limit.

I eagerly await for dear Mr HElSENBERG to post something like “FRESH DISCONNECTED MUTTON”, or some such.

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