Why do you get a forced lock if you dont pick in ranked draft?

People who dont draft are clearly afk/nonparticipating

They get assigned a random hero, so nothing that can fill. And most of the times they get a hero they dont know and just start trolling because its a lost anyway, or whatever they are thinking.

I honestly dont see the benified of having a forced pick.
And most likely they are AFK for the first part of the game. Or like I had once. He never joined the game.


What do you suggest happens when someone does not pick a hero within the time limit?

It used to drop the game and give that person a leaver in penalty points (equivalent to losing three games)


I see.



lol…I had this forced lock once or twice…saved me from losing points.

The game should be abandoned after a non-pick and the usual 600 point deduction applied to the afk.


i believe Hero League dropped you from the game becuase it was the solo queue option. they expected it to be a little looser with and more prone to afk, trolling, etc. just by its nature of solo queue.

Team League on the other hand was initially 5 man queue only and later 3+2 was added. It was expected that since you were in group you wouldnt just afk for a long time. Well, then solo was added to Team League but these rules didnt change to reflect that now solo was added.

summary… Team League should have been updated with some of the same rules as Hero League a long time ago. which is why it sucked, but it became the only real queuing option.


Well either force kick or make the party vote in a quick time limit.
I have no idea why they did this, its just not good for the game. If you press ranked just keep an eye on your pc

They should cancel the match,give the 600 points penalty and a trip to leaver queue yo the afk.
Also add a ready check button after queue to make sure someone can’t complain about this treatement.

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I still don’t get the -600 points for dodging the draft…

Like whats better, when the player picks something random or is forced a hero, then feeds/trolls whole game and all in the team lose 200 points?

Win trading and abusing TL MMR are annoying enough ,dodging without impunity would ensure you manipulate with whom you play with or against , until they don’t want to play with or against you.


I think this is the reasoning, combined with the fact that in TL whenever this happens, you actually have multiple people responsible.

I mean, last pick is trivial. Whatever happens, you should really be back by the end of those 5 minutes it takes to run the draft process.

What actually happens is that one person usually first picks, while another player shows a prepick. Player 3 wants to fill so selects the 1st ban to avoid the lock, but 4-5 doesn’t pick either. Who gets the penalty during pick for 2-3 or 3-4? Worse, one player wants to fill, selects 1st ban to avoid the lock, telling the team that he’ll fill, just needs 2 minutes afk, please pick slow, really sorry! Then the rest of the team selects 1st ban, too.

Now, if someone is trolling, that person can always just pick his worst hero, misfill, go semi-afk, or hard feed. That’s the one thing you really don’t resolve by handing out penalties.

… Being forced to play the game, likely losing it, while getting some reports is a fair “reward” in my opinion. Sure, the last pick can be objectively blamed (penalized) for being AFK.

This game needs a ready check. Queues are too long it’s too easy for real life to pop up. A simple ready check is all that is required before starting the draft. There doesn’t need to be a loss of rank points, just anyone who doesn’t click ready gets leaver status and booted back to the home screen.

It’s a simple solution that was asked for multiple times, but the devs don’t seem to understand the need. It wouldn’t even be hard to code. It’s just a timer and a button and a few simple rules.

I find it selfish if someone doesnt pick anyone during draft. Its not the team to blame.
If you press up the ranked button . Be ready to look at your screen at least every 60s.

The banner doesnt know who to ban because of the afk. The team doesnt know who to pick. And you are forcing 4 people too adjust onto a forced pick into ranked. Waisting 25min out of 4 people and giving them -200 points.

If you press ready you say hi am committing 30min of my life. Then dont go afk for 5 min at the start or the forced kick is justified.


That they get disconnected and the game gets reset.