Why do players criticize each other? A declining community

I feel like 1 and 2 have a lot to do with each other. There are ways you can play when your behind that can dramatically increase your chances of coming back but some people just refuse to learn how to play from behind.
Which in turn only makes the more toxic about losing because they never learned how to not let things spiral out of control. Your either winning the whole time or its all over.

I lol’d, thanks for that!

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and then they turn that into complaints about snowballing, how games aren’t “fair”, and forced 50.

Yes, and then of course its gonna feel like its a forced 50% when strategy has gone that far out the window. Thats probably also where the idea that 5 stacks are untouchable gods comes from to : s

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I think that is the main problem and I think it’s amplified the lower the rank.

You generally have a group of 5 people that don’t know and probably don’t trust each other it can be hard to get everyone on the same page.

Take the classic scenario on cursed hollow or garden. Opponents are 2/3 on tributes, next trib is about to spawn they are 10 you have just hit 9 and have no chance of getting 10 before the fight.

Presuming it’s 5 v 5 and you havn’t managed to reduce their numbers before the obj rumble usually it’s better to give up the obj and defend as best you can without dieing.

You can probably limit the damage to a fort or 2 and remain in the game with a reasonable chance of turning it around. Wheras if you went in on the team fight where you will likely lose and wipe you will probably lose double the buildings and be even further behind in exp reducing your chance of a comeback.

Conversley if opponents are 19 and you are 17 to me it makes more sense to look for an aggressive play to win. Even probably going all in on a good oppportunity to gank because if they hit 20 and ypu are that far away more likely than not you have lost the game.

However team mates will regularly do the opposite and charge slolo into the obj fight solo in first scenario “team wut the hell!? Obj!?”

Or play too passive in the second scenario and let other team

You should perform your due dilligence and communicate with the team what you think the right play is. They may listen, may not but it’s just about increasing your chances of winning isn’t it.

The issue is two fold:

  1. don’t push too much lane momentum to the enemy team that it makes it easier for them to turtle/farm better than they would
  2. have a mechanism to try to offset a statemate condition that draws the game out too long.

I’m not sure if league, or other “moba”, have a similar effect, but Dota does and powercreep has gotten to such a point that it is more common for players to withstand the ‘mega minions’ phase and just farm gold/items to turn the game around.

HotS doesn’t have item powerspikes to compensate, but I do like they try to assist map control/awareness with a slight imbalance beyond just npc scaling with time.

At this point, i’ve nothing left to prove. My track record of destruction in the nexus speaks for itself.

And spoiler-alert, it’s not getting old anytime soon :sunglasses:

I’ve learned (4) truths in my time playing:

1- Most players are stupid.

2- Most players are going to follow their “strategy” no matter what you do or say.

3- Most players, their idea of “strategy” is to dive in and slug it out. They might even feel as if they’re “not playing the game right”, if they aren’t pushing constantly.

4- Thus communication in this game is largely useless. That’s why my Hammer is beast-mode despite having messages disabled. I don’t need to communicate with my team to do well, simply because communication in this game is often a WASTE of time to begin with, and has little bearing on the actual match in the end.

Edit: When i say all this, i mean when you’re matched with Randos. Obviously, this is different in a 5-stack of your bros.

Right, right. A track record no one has seen, including me except for self added clips of mediocre hammer play in QM only.

Sir, do accept my most humblest apologies to a player so skilled.

Truly, you are the best on the planet.

…did i stutter when i said i had nothing left to prove? I surely did not :sunglasses:

Off you go now.

(post deleted by author)

Off you go into obscurity. You’re mediocre at best.

Right, right.

Yeah, suuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee.

You like to overhype your skill when you’re not that good.

You’re like the Steven Spielberg of describing your skill when you’re absolutely mediocre.

While I do think he still has much to learn (I’ve watched his old play, I watched his recent play as well), I can’t also deny his rambunctious positivity, lol.

Baseless to be sure. But in some sense, I can’t see this guy being toxic in-game.

His problem in-game? Same ol’ same ol’. Hammer that goes mine build (basically no mobility in team fight), positions too up front, dies when his team decides it’s not a team fight angle, no z cdr means even more lack of mobility.

I should check his other hero play as well.

Strongly disagree. In one of your games, not solely your fault, but your team as a whole didn’t know what they were doing. As in, played without a goal, moved around the map without purpose. This led to losing the macro game. If I would’ve been in your shoe, I would’ve filled the necessary spot for macro, lane control, then pinged (chat if need be) the map around.

And of course, I have won games because of it. Ping, communication can hold all-over-the-place team together, jumbled up/scattered pieces to form a fist to punch through.


I wasn’t contending with his toxicity. I just think he overhypes himself and in my book, that is not a respectable quality to have in field.

Granted, it may be advantageous in some conditions to overhype yourself, I just never respect those who do and then underperform in relation to their claims.

When deciding to hire someone, I prefer someone mediocre and honest than someone with bravado with mediocre skill.

I know this isn’t a job, I’m just saying in general, I prefer honest introspection over dishonesty. I don’t respect the way he portrays himself and by consequence, him.


Those “fake it till you make it people”, are often just that, fake and sometimes never make it. In life and in my matches in Hots, I’d rather play with someone who knows they still have things to learn, than play with a braggart with a closed mind.

Having said that, I was randomly matched with Landmine in one game, they said few words, but were respectful to others.


There’s been a few studies that examine this phenomenon. Like elite athletes tend to lie/self deceive more than the average population. It’s that delusion that allows them to push past others. But Landmine is not even close to that lol.

I also read a fascinating article that hypothesized that overestimating your abilities or risk taking is an evolutionary advantage. There was a point in my life where I self selected myself out of a job because I didn’t feel qualified when I was offered it, only to find the person they did offer, had almost no qualifications. But that small step in believing they could or were qualified, made them more competent, even if they sucked at that first attempt.

Personally, I just can’t stand egotistic people.


I actually did that sometimes in life in matters outside of the medical field but it was inward and not outward.

I’m a thinker and self-reflect a lot and I think it IS important to develop a strong, confident core because people tend to understate your abilities in order to elevate themselves, so it’s important to be immune to that so that you don’t get discouraged.


Self-reflection is one of the best and most difficult things anyone can do, but those who do it become better in the long run as they now have an understanding of what flaws to work on and where their strengths are. Those who drum up their accomplishments, believe they have nothng left to learn, or those who believe themselves to be the apex almost always fall the hardest. Pride comes before the fall. History is filled with such individuals who believe they were untouchable, flawless, perfect, and yadda yadda yadda. History remembers them differently, if they are lucky to be remembered at all.

Then there is taking the time to think about who truly cares about one’s accomplishments. While a person might take pride in their own success–everyone does–few others share that excitement for someone else’s accomplishments, and if they do the feeling does not last for very long. Maybe a few minutes at most and the accomplishments are guaranteed to be forgotten by the end of the day.

But probably the best reality/ego check is realizing that it does not matter what someone’s accomplishments are, they end up six feet under as worm food and eventually forgotten by those who are alive. Alexander the Great was buried in the same soil as his mule driver at the same depth in roughly the same shaped hole. Genghis Khan, one of the world’s greatest conquers, does not even have a marked buriel site and became worm food just like countless individuals who came before and after him. The vast majority of written records from the Roman era, included those whom I read religiously to keep myself in check, had been mostly forgotten with very little left of the great minds that once walked this earth.

Now, turning back towards HotS, or any game at all, they eventually shut down. Those stats that may have been the peak of the game with whomever earned them will be gone forever. Screenshots may be lost due to a virus or some other event. Websites that kept track shut down soone or later, or just delete the content, and eventually the game itself will be forgotten. Recorded videos eventually become corrupted, lost, or taken down. Even the memories will eventually become fuzzy, distorted, or cease to exist.

The only constant in a person’s life is how they mentally carry themselves, which they have full control over, and is the most important aspect of a person’s life.

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This kills my game every time, teammates never learning when to be passive and when to be aggro. It’s “How to lose a game 101” with these people.


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